First Wives World - Tabloid Sources Aren&#039;t Britney&#039;s Friends - Comments Comments for "Tabloid Sources Aren't Britney's Friends" en What crazy times we live in <p>There have always been those that will stab you in the back for a quick buck, but in today's society that quick buck comes even quicker and the tabloids really know how to spread the word faster than a NY minute. </p> <p>All I can say to Britney is keep your mouth shut and try going back to that family unit...oh wait...she can't...she's trying to get a court order to keep her own mother away from her children. Sounds like she has a very big mess to clean up. I wish her the best.</p> Fri, 29 Jun 2007 14:01:58 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 616 at Tabloid Sources Aren't Britney's Friends <p>Every time I see celebrity divorce news, I’m reminded how important it is to have good friends to help get you through when your marriage is breaking up. This occurred to me again when word starting circulating yesterday that a “source” started telling the tabloids the latest in the <b>Britney/K-Fed</b> saga. </p> <p>According to this “source” Britney is having second thoughts about seeking a divorce and wants to try to save the marriage. She is believed to be seeking a reconciliation of some sort. K-Fed, apparently, is happy being single. </p> <p>I suppose people like Britney and K-Fed have grown accustomed to having their dirty laundry aired all over the place. But that doesn’t mean they feel good about it. I suspect whoever this “source” is, it must not be someone who really has a personal relationship with the pop star. </p> <p>I’d like to think that anyone who’s truly your friend would be looking to protect you when you’re life is in flux, not spread rumors about you. Friends can help keep your divorce from completely overwhelming you. </p> <p>Here’s hoping that amid all the tabloid trash, Britney has a few of those kinds of friends around her. </p> <p>For more, <a href="">click here</a>.</p> wiveswire Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:50:55 -0400 Amanda Lockhart 853 at