firstwivesworld - A Reader Writes - Comments Comments for "A Reader Writes" en Cross-dressing <p>Well, I can't say I have experience in the cross-dressing dept. but it does sound like the type of thing that might be accomodated in a marriage. Don't we all have fetishes? Or is your ex bisexual? Is it something you couldn't live with?</p> Mon, 22 Oct 2007 19:59:22 -0400 Guest comment 2899 at A Reader Writes <p>Hey <b>First Wives World</b> readers! </p><p>A reader wrote us to say that she's going through a divorce and it turns out that her soon-to-be ex is a cross-dresser. She was short on the details so we don't know whether this was what sparked the divorce or not. In any event, she asks whether any of you have encountered this issue and can offer some advice.</p><p>Do you have an ex with a fetish? What was the nature of the fetish? Did the fetish or secret desire cause the disintegration of the marriage or was it just one of the reasons you ended the relationship?</p><p>If your ex was a cross-dresser, help our reader out here. Or even if he wasn't, feel free to offer some advice.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> Ask the Community Sex and Love Navigating Divorce Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:15:07 -0400 WivesWire 790 at