First Wives World - Buttafucco Wife No. 2 Withdraws Divorce Petition - Comments Comments for "Buttafucco Wife No. 2 Withdraws Divorce Petition" en I second that <p>I've had enough of it too. It's like channel surfing and not being able to find anything but the same, really low budget mini-series on every channel..</p> Sat, 23 Jun 2007 20:02:25 -0400 Guest comment 532 at Will someone put these two out of their misery <p>AND OURS! haven't we heard enough about them? He's a bit of a quido lug, and she could probably put yenta to shame. P O LEASEEEE :)<br /> (i'm not as bad as I sound, but really, haven't we heard enough?</p> Sat, 23 Jun 2007 19:25:33 -0400 Guest comment 530 at really ... a sadist would have let go by now <p>! ! ! !</p> Sat, 23 Jun 2007 11:57:17 -0400 Guest comment 526 at How crazy <p>Any woman that is crazy enough to be with this man deserves what she gets. She must be nuts too.</p> Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:10:14 -0400 Yvonne1973 comment 519 at Buttafucco Wife No. 2 Withdraws Divorce Petition <p>Some guys just can’t help but acting like noodleheads. And some women are just gluttons for punishments. </p> <p>It seems <b>Joey Buttafucco’s</b> second wife still hasn’t cut ties with the buffoon. Apparently 45-year old Evanka Buttafucco withdrew her divorce petition against Joey, according to the <i>New York Post</i>. This, even after Joey was recently photographed cavorting with his old flame <b>Amy Fisher</b>, who shot his first wife, Mary Jo, in the head in the 1990s.</p> <p>What Evanka ever saw in Joey in the first place is beyond me and, no doubt, a lot of other women who are shocked that anyone could be with him. Wouldn’t you think knowing your beau’s first wife was shot in the head by his teenage lover would have been warning enough? </p> <p>Now Joey’s tom-catting around with Amy, nicknamed the “Long Island Lolita” once again. Granted, Fisher, now 32, has been out of prison for quite a while, and current photographs show her looking prettier and much more refined than she did in 1992. But sheesh, Evanka, the world is watching. </p> wiveswire Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:00:55 -0400 Eve Miller 787 at