firstwivesworld - Biased Judge Barred From Bench - Comments Comments for "Biased Judge Barred From Bench" en what really happened Hey women out there, Justice applies to both woman and man. Do we really consider to know both sides of the story. That HK woman really planned to kill and/or disable her husband as per the Kissel case there where the man who was poisoned and killed by his wife in HK. This man managed to escape and afterwards the crazy wife portrayed him wrongly because of her madness and deviousness. What right in the universe does it give to a woman to premeditate murder, destroy his reputation, take his children and not allow them to see their father, and sack him from the business that he built for the past 20 years? And then ganged on him with her chinese family and a hostile woman man-hater lawyer whom she had a sexual relationship with. Please give the world a break and do not buy the shit self pity of a thief and evil person whose motive is to punish the man to death and when he escape her claws she took everything he has and rub the earth with his name. She is no descent woman, she plans to finish all his saving on legal costs, the judge gave a comparisim when an outsider like him, an American in HK, finds himself/herself in a tiny community, where she, the chinese father and brothers threatened his life, hired the law firm which represents the chinese triad (mafia), what are the natural feelings as a human being. The judge was trying to show he understood, and did not require the man to return to HK for the divorce, and let the man see his children in the USA that summer. But she used delay and appeals again and again and in the process the actual divorce is wasting 3 to 4 years only to settle a divorce that she does want, because she cannot "save face" in the chinese comunity, her husband left her and her children, she is obviously a bad woman. What she put the husband through for the past years,no descent or respectable woman would allow such disgrace to herself, her family and her twin children who are now in the newspaper world wide.all because she wants to revenge on the husband and waste his money. That is no justice to any woman, I am ashamed to be called a woman and belong to her group, but justice applys to all. People fall in and out of love that is life, but when relationship comes to an immenent end, and the woman uses all her means to destroy all good memorys of a life and disgrace and humilate her children, the man she once claimed she loved, o yeah! And all women just want to revenge. This woman you are feeling sorry for, has fired any lawyer who does go her way, hired her woman partner twice. She is mental, she needs to be examined. She is an just an errupting volcano that is deadly and enough to tarnish every woman to be included into her category. She is unstoppable to get her gains, she have disgraced her old father, and convinived with her father to bewitch her brothers, one is senile and the other is a bear looking monster and her plans to destroy any and everyone in her path to get the business for herself as she is the only girl. She is an absolute disgrace to humanity, parenthood, maternal, and the animal klngdom. And now this judge, who was a good judge, but perhaps to make a point said words which has now disgraced his career. The judge was bending over backwards for her, but he realised, a father and children have rights and so he said, the husband does not need to return to hk to see his children and granted him to meet them in America. Tue, 15 Apr 2008 14:38:09 -0400 Guest comment 5047 at biased judges <p>I was recently divorced after 33 years. My ex was having an affair and just hit me with it "out of the blue". I literally fell apart. He, also, is very well known and very familiar with the judges and lawyers in the small southern county we lived in. He even commented to our son that I could get any attorney I wanted, from anywhere, but as long as it was held in our county, he wasn't scared.<br /> I had a hard time finding an attorney to represent me, since they are all friends of his. Finally found a female, but she really sold me out - even she was part of the good old boys club. He had 3 lawyers - all vicious. I was berated, my reputation smeared, harrassed, accused of things I did not do, and at the hearing, his attorneys treated me abusively - yet neither the judge nor my attorney did a thing to stop them. Ex continually filed ridiculous contempt charges - to intimidate me - he abused the legal system to make me even more upset than I was. I literally had no one on my side, and I was in the middle of a nervous breakdown. Now, after having worked for 40 years, helping get him through school for OUR future, changing jobs and moving for his career, taking care of children alone while he traveled and rose up the ladder, I am left with about 1/l0th of what he has. He got our beautiful new home and has his girlfriend in there already. I had to sell my share to him at a reduced price, because the judge ordered ME to make the mortgage payments, insurance, etc. The payments exceeded my monthly income! How could I do that? I would like to file some kind of complaint against the judge - I feel my rights were violated - but there is not a lawyer who will help me. They don't want to fight the system, don't want to make waves, don't want to litigate with a federal law enforcement officer. I will have to work until I die, while he and she will be enjoying retirement in two years - in my home. Yes, judges are biased, lawyers are biased, it's a club they all belong to - and my ex was part of it, so it didn't matter that he had been physically violent or stole the 40 years of my work experience, he "won". I'm left in the cold to start over at 58 years old - an entry level job with no benefits, no leave or sick time, and am living in a 70-year old house in a run down neighborhood. Where is the fairness? Where do women turn?</p> Sat, 17 Nov 2007 17:58:53 -0500 Guest comment 3258 at divorce after 31 years <p>my divorce is a circus. The judge has left me homeless and penniless after 31 years of abuse. My husband is connected to powerful people in the county I live in and they practically own every judge on the bench. I have been treated unfairly from day 1. My reputation has been slandered repeatedly at what was supposed to be case management hearings to determine marital assets, by my husband's attorney and the judge never prohibited the assault on my character at those times. However when I would make a request for the simplist thing such as to have one of the 2 unused bedrooms in my home unlocked for my use as I had been sleeping on the sofa for years, it was deemed inappropriate to be brought up. lastly I attempted to change my attorney and the judge would not dismiss him. However he did state to the attorney I was considering hiring his dislike for my lawyer, who happens to be quite mild mannered compared to the animal representing my husband. anyway my consolation is they are all going to rot in hell.</p> Wed, 31 Oct 2007 01:57:05 -0400 Guest comment 2983 at My Judge Definitely Favored the Husband <p>I absoultely agree that some judges are biased. The judge who presided over my divorce granted a reduction of nearly $100.00 a week in child support based on my ex's "word" that he had suffered a demotion and cut in pay. Mind you, he had no proof of this lower income, stating that he had just started the job and didn't receive his first paycheck yet. Adding insult to injury, the judge reduced the child support by another $10.00 a week based on my income being over a certain percentage of what my state considers the maximum yearly income a custodial parent can earn before given a credit to the non-custodial parent. Of course, I DID bring my paystubs with me for the court to review as I am an honest and decent human being. Since our divorce hearing my ex has admitted that he earns income in cash, off the books. Imagine bragging about walking a fine line on the verge of being a dead beat dad! Hopefully my judgement in people has improved. I have looked into hiring a private investigator to prove that he is earning income off the books. But between legal fees and investigator fees, I would lose more money than I would ever gain. And by the way, I have consulted with two different attorneys who have both said, "Oh, you had Judge So-and-So.....he favors the husband." I choose to live by the mantra "Living Well Is The Best Revenge"!</p> Tue, 16 Oct 2007 18:38:40 -0400 Guest comment 2824 at More on Biased Divorce Judges <p>My divorce judge was biased against me in particular, not women in general. It turns out that the female judge in the courtroom next to his was the mother of the best friend of my husband's mistress. Our case mysteriously came before him in just 3 short months from filing. The average time to get a divorce heard in court in our city is 18+ months! He gave the attorney opposing us almost 3 full days to present her ridiculous arguements. When my attorney stood up to present our side of the divorce, this very biased judge said, "This case is closed". He instructed us to divide everything 50-50 and 'get out of his court'. My attorney was so stunned that she was not allowed to present our case that she tore up my bill! Now that is an unusual divorce attorney and a very biased judge. Our case was decided before we even walked in to his courtroom! And the sad part of this story is that there was really nothing we could do about it! So, yes, I believe (sadly) that there are judges who are biased in many different ways!</p> Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:27:20 -0400 Guest comment 2822 at I guess we can only hope <p>I guess we can only hope that all who uphold the law treat all people fairly.</p> <p>CM</p> Tue, 16 Oct 2007 16:50:05 -0400 Guest comment 2820 at Biased Judge Barred From Bench <p>I'm wondering if any female readers, while going through the divorce process, thought the judge was biased against her. I've heard of a few cases where women had the perception the divorce judge favored the husband.</p><p>In Hong Kong, an appeals court banned a judge from hearing a divorce action because they seriously believed that the Justice would be biased against the wife. This controversy arose from a divorce battle which started in 2005. </p><p>Recently, the husband's attorney, writing to the judge, alleged that the wife would have his client killed if he returned to Hong Kong from a London trip. This was reported in the <i>South China Morning Post</i>. </p><p>Justice John Saunders said, &quot;I do not consider that the father's fear of physical injury, is either irrational or a sign of instability.&quot; Apparently both the husband, his attorney and the judge took this alleged threat seriously.</p><p>Unfortunately this judge put his foot in his mouth when he expressed a biased conventional opinion, that the husband's fear may be &quot;described as being akin to a fear, for personal safety, held by someone married to a person of Italian extraction.&quot;</p><p>To me this expression was shockingly outlandish and inappropriate for someone who should be fair to both sides. Why would a judge in Hong Kong refer to this Italian stereotype? Maybe he fell under the influence of &quot;The Sopranos.&quot;</p><p>With courts dominated by male judges, no wonder some women feel they are ripped off in divorce settlements due to male prejudice. I don't think this is necessarily true, but often perception of those going through the system, becomes reality. </p><p>I choose not to believe all male judges have a female bias, but what is your experience?</p><p>Click <a href=";item_no=178330&amp;version=1&amp;template_id=45&amp;parent_id=25">here</a> to read more. </p> divorce law divorced women family court legal divorce navigating divorce All Things Legal Navigating Divorce Tue, 16 Oct 2007 13:30:00 -0400 Rachel Small 761 at