firstwivesworld - Returning to the Nest - Comments Comments for "Returning to the Nest" en Returning to the Nest <p>Summer has many associations. We look forward to sunlight, warm weather, BBQ’s and children being home…but not to someone else’s children being home, say your husband’s children with his former wife. </p><p>Instead of the children stopping by for a night or two once a week, these children arrive for two weeks, maybe a month. </p><p>All of a sudden the bleak, quiet days of winter seem compelling. </p><p>Dealing with your own children requires being thoughtful, calm, and present. Dealing with your stepchildren requires the same but with even more patience and reflection, so you can respond with integrity. </p><p>And then there are the frictions between your own children and their step-siblings in various outings and occasions. </p><p>I’d say it’s time for a cocktail and a few deep breaths — and possibly a series of mini-vacations, with one set of children at a time.</p><p>Even extremely evolved couples can fall prey to the blame game. Who made the mess in the kitchen? Left the front door open so the dog ran out? Broke my favorite bowl? Who? </p><p>It’s so easy to suspect your partner’s children from the previous marriage. Not only are your children perfect, but if you blame his children, that’s one less altercation with your own. </p><p>On the other hand, as a step-mother, you want to make sure that the step-siblings are having a good time. </p><p>The result this summer is that I am making everyone’s favorite dishes, driving them thither and yon, and attending to their needs at all times. </p><p>Trying to please children (who are always self-involved creatures) evokes Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill. </p><p>No sooner do you feel the glory of a job well done than there is another demand. </p><p>And chances are you are never thanked for anything you do.</p><p>Sometimes you just can’t win. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> divorce blog Kids and Family Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 23 Jul 2008 07:24:18 -0400 Marshall 7370 at