firstwivesworld - It&#039;s All In The Haircut - Comments Comments for "It's All In The Haircut" en Boy Shmoy Whatever! Cute haircut, efficient, classy, fun...I suppose a boy could be all those things too, but it's's never about the cut anyhow. The cut just adds style! Course there is always a shaved head...then he wouldn't have to worry about the cut at all! Sat, 14 Jun 2008 13:36:01 -0400 Guest comment 5701 at Haha... I'm just grateful I was born in a century that is breaking open these stereotypes! Maybe this means I can now admit to having 5 boxes of comic books in my closet? Oops... too much information. (No - I'm not a fanboy in woman's clothing. Really, I'm not.) And thanks! I love it too! Wed, 11 Jun 2008 11:50:56 -0400 Sarah Farthing comment 5689 at Nobody puts Stan...I mean Sarah in a corner!! Funny thing is I was always taught that being a woman was not about make-up, hair, clothing or shoes. Those are all items a man could put on and yet would that make him a "woman"? No, of course not. It would make him a tranny and you...uncomfortable and wondering why this grown man is stretching out your clothes. I digress. I for one Luv your hair style!! xoQotU Tue, 10 Jun 2008 13:36:49 -0400 Guest comment 5685 at It's All In The Haircut <p>What does your hair say about you? Even though Ahmed hates my haircut, it seems to be serving my purposes nicely. </p>&lt;<p>For more of my story, click <a href="">here</a> or <a href="">view my profile page on the social network!</a></p> Sarah Farthing vlog Health and Body Navigating Divorce Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:14:18 -0400 Sarah Farthing 7077 at