firstwivesworld - I Said No! - Comments Comments for "I Said No!" en sometimes saying no is the sometimes saying no is the same thing as saying yes--to something else. congrats on finding the strength. i know the freelance lifestyle and it's not always easy. but you'll be just fine. Wed, 11 Jun 2008 22:07:21 -0400 bargee comment 5691 at sometimes saying no is the sometimes saying no is the same thing as saying yes--to something else. congrats on finding the strength. i know the freelance lifestyle and it's not always easy. but you'll be just fine. Wed, 11 Jun 2008 22:02:03 -0400 bargee comment 5690 at I Said No! <p>So, I may have made a huge mistake here, but I couldn't keep up this unhealthy pattern I've fallen into. No matter what the price. </p><p>For more of Sarah's story, click <a href="/community/house-bloggers/sarah-farthing">here</a>. </p> Sarah Farthing vlog Money and Finance Navigating Divorce Thu, 05 Jun 2008 17:22:48 -0400 Sarah Farthing 7076 at