firstwivesworld - The Divorce Soundtrack - Comments Comments for "The Divorce Soundtrack" en Just a CD? Are you kidding? I have a 46 song playlist on my ipod. Sun, 16 Nov 2008 21:58:53 -0500 Guest comment 6563 at yes, iTunes! Real Simple magazine has an iMix on iTunes, and it's really good. I'd be in favor of FWW lists. Great idea. Fri, 06 Jun 2008 16:16:40 -0400 bargee comment 5669 at That is a FANTASTIC IDEA!! FWW on iTunes -- genius! Thanks. Faith Thu, 05 Jun 2008 09:17:24 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5654 at I have several CD volumes with titles like "Divorce Blows" and "Divorce Blows...But I'll Be Okay". My sis was chuckling when she found them in my car....with songs like "Somebody Kill Me" by Adam Sandler and "Gasoline" by Kicking Harold. Those are the "angry" songs. Others are more for crying, like "Simple Together" by Alanis Morrissette and "Ache" by James Carrington. Some are more for moving on, like "Walk On" by U2, "The Heart of The Matter" by Don Henley. Music has always been a part of my life but I find it especially helpful to me now, to validate my feelings when I'm alone. There is only so much you can talk about your feelings to family and friends before it just gets annoying, to everyone ( including yourself!). I find music lets me experience the emotion, and then move on from it, in a way that is less debilitating to the course of your day than a total outburst ;-) Maybe there should be a FWW iTunes list? I love your posts, by the way, Faith. -K Wed, 04 Jun 2008 17:02:08 -0400 Guest comment 5653 at Thanks Wanda Going to Barnes and Noble this afternoon -- I'll check and see if they have it. Thanks! Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:39:02 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5648 at Wow. Heavy lyrics, but accurate Hey Karen and Cathy and Faith -- music is the language of love and hate, joy and sorrow...Joni Mitchell put out a CD a couple of years ago that basically tracks the love affair from its first arrival through the heady, can't breathe phase to the adjusting period, to the changes in how he feels to the end. It's a beautiful heart breaking and profound CD. She incorporates only two of her own songs -- the rest are classics like Billy Holiday's "You've Changed". Ouch. Check it out when you can, Faith. You will understand and appreciate what it has to offer. Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:40:27 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5645 at "Wake up naked, drinking "Wake up naked, drinking coffee, making plans to change the world" That is the way I start my day every day. Funny thing is, it wasn't until after my divorce that slept naked, drank coffee or cared about possibly changing the world. With heartache comes meaning! Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:57:51 -0400 Cathy Meyer comment 5641 at Not an entire CD When I was working up the courage to file, my song for him was by Jodee Messina, My Give a Damn's Busted. You can say you’ve got issues You can say you’re a victim It’s all your parents’ fault, I mean after all you didn’t pick ‘em Maybe somebody else has got time to listen My give a damn's busted Well your therapist says it was all a mistake A product of the Prozac and your codependent ways So who's your enabler these days? My give a damn's busted Tue, 03 Jun 2008 16:46:51 -0400 KarenC comment 5640 at The Divorce Soundtrack <p>There's been a lot of buzz on the blog in regards to songs and song lyrics that remind us of our exes or of our divorces. It reminded me of how I felt immediately after Levi left and the songs that I listened to. </p><p>What is it about the human condition that makes us sort of torture ourselves with stuff like this after a breakup anyway? My divorce process had a soundtrack. For real. I made myself a CD and I listened to it all the time. Sometimes singing along, sometimes crying, but most of the time, pining away. </p><p>My divorce soundtrack — along with the particular lyrics that would absolutely slay me — went something like this:</p><p>U2, One Love:<br />&quot;Did I ask too much <br />More than a lot<br />You gave me nothing<br />Now it's all I got&quot; </p><p>Johnny Cash (previously done by Nine Inch Nails), Hurt:<br />&quot;What have I become<br />my sweetest friend<br />Everyone I know<br />Goes away<br />In the end<br />And you could have it all<br />My empire of dirt<br />I will let you down<br />I will make you hurt&quot; </p><p>Dave Matthews Band, Stay or Leave:<br />&quot;Wake up naked, drinking coffee, making plans to change the world<br />while the world is changing us.<br />It was good, good love.<br />And you used to laugh under the covers,<br />maybe not so often now<br />The way I used to laugh with you was loud and hard&quot; </p><p>The Felice Brothers, Wonderful Life:<br />&quot;Me and you have done the same damn thing<br />We fell in love knowing the pain it would bring<br />Now all I do is sing<br />Sad songs with red underneath&quot; </p><p>Ani Difranco (every girl going through a divorce needs Ani), Done Wrong:<br />&quot;like how could you do nothing<br />and say, i'm doing my best<br />how could you take almost everything<br />and then come back for the rest<br />how could you beg me to stay<br />reach out your hands and plead<br />and then pack up your eyes and run away<br />as soon as I agreed&quot;</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> child custody child support emotions family court memories music musicians naviagting divorce soundtrack Mind and Spirit Navigating Divorce Tue, 03 Jun 2008 14:45:52 -0400 Faith Eggers 7047 at