firstwivesworld - Appreciating the Mush - Comments Comments for "Appreciating the Mush" en god that's so true. god that's so true. Wed, 28 May 2008 16:17:04 -0400 Guest comment 5596 at Appreciating the Mush <p>When I started dating Mike, I was taking an acting class. The class was through one of the more prestigious theater companies in the city, the professor was a lovely and talented man, and the class was the most God-awful, boring thing ever. </p><p>For those of you not acquainted with the mechanics of a scene study class: You're assigned a scene with a partner, which you work over the week. In class, you present your scene, get some feedback, work a bit with the professor. </p><p>This takes maybe 20 minutes. The rest of the three hour class is spent watching the other partners present and work. About an hour in, I reach my breaking point. My attention span is short — that's one of the reasons I teach. Sixteen year olds and I have about the same capacity for focus. </p><p>What was funny about this class, though: About a month into the non-relationship Mike and I were having, about the time I was ready to cut and run, we were assigned scenes from a play called <i>Table Settings</i>. </p><p>I was given the part of a young woman, recently divorced, completely neurotic, and overly analytical about relationships, who's met someone she might really like and who can't just let herself enjoy it. </p><p>It was hard not to suspect conspiracy. </p><p>Then again, it made the character analysis part of the class pretty easy. </p><p>The monologue that spoke to me the most: </p><p>&quot;You know when you meet someone and your heart starts to pound and your stomach turns to mush — Unfortunately, mush never sustains itself. It fades away and the mind goes back to running the show again. I am experiencing a mild case of mush right now. </p><p>But I'm so preoccupied with what's going to happen when the mush goes away that I'm not even enjoying the mush when it's here.&quot; </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> anxiety breaking up good times Sex and Love Navigating Divorce Tue, 27 May 2008 12:33:39 -0400 Alice Brooks 6962 at