firstwivesworld - Who Gets the House? The Kids - Comments Comments for "Who Gets the House? The Kids" en Who Gets the House? The Kids <p>Living apart together... Living together apart.... There are all kinds of ways to make relationships work, whether they're relationships that involve love and affection or relationships built to sustain two people at lower costs than separate houses. </p><p>Here's a popular strategy that some couples use in Quebec: The kids get the house. The parents move out. </p><p>Of course, not at the same time, because that would leave small Wilbur and precious Joanie to tear up the family home in no time flat. </p><p>But what some couples who separate try in order to achieve the least amount of emotional trauma for children is a shared custody arrangement in which the parents are the ones to shift between houses, not the kids. </p><p>Here's how it works: </p><p>The parents shop for an apartment or second home that they feel they can afford. It has to be a location that both like and feel comfortable living in. They furnish the place and make it viable to live in. Each choose a room to be theirs and set up their personal effects. </p><p>Then, one week of two, one of the parents moves out of the main family home into this secondary location. The other parent stays in the family home with the kids. When the week is up, the parent that had moved out moves back into the family home, and the other parent gets a week-long break in the secondary home. </p><p>The exchange of household only requires that the parents pack a small bag of personal items. They already have a room set up in either home with clothes in both locations. </p><p>The benefits? The kids never have to leave the home they grew to love. They get to stay in one place without suffering an upheaval or leaving behind a house they feel good living in. The kids stay in one familiar location. There's no fear of the unknown, no leaving behind anything and no worries about the future. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> home house kids Kids and Family House and Home Navigating Divorce Mon, 26 May 2008 15:00:56 -0400 JulieSavard 6954 at