firstwivesworld - Ingrid Says It Better - Comments Comments for "Ingrid Says It Better" en I agree It's awful feeling. Someone who we were so close to in so many ways is now a stranger. It's hard. Tue, 27 May 2008 12:08:04 -0400 ashgray comment 5583 at Balance Obsessing over the past = not so good, although sometimes hard to help. Examining it for what there is to be learned from it = pretty necessary. I mean, I want to make new and exotic and fascinating mistakes, not the same drab ones over and over. Tue, 27 May 2008 00:15:52 -0400 Guest comment 5577 at The Stranger Sometimes it is easier to not think about the past. I look back as if it is someone elses life. Mon, 26 May 2008 18:47:44 -0400 Guest comment 5574 at how true Wow how you captured my feelings and it hurts. Even after more than 2 years I find myself wanting to share things with him, my new job, news of a friend.... Mon, 26 May 2008 15:40:34 -0400 Guest comment 5573 at Ingrid Says It Better <p>How strange it is, to have someone who was closer to you than anyone, someone who knew everything about you, and have them suddenly a stranger. </p><p>I barely talk to Jake, and when I do, it's all business — irritating business at that. He doesn't know my show opens in a week. He doesn't know I cut my hair shorter than it's been in years. He didn't know when I left the country, that one friend is having a baby, that another's cancer may be back. He doesn't know what my apartment looks like. </p><p>It's strange. </p><p>Granted, he wasn't terribly present for some time, but still — he was my partner. He was half of me. He's been part of my life since I was in 6th grade. Only now, he's not. </p><p>And people say, &quot;Move on.&quot; And people say, &quot;Why are you still talking about this?&quot; How do you merely excuse yourself from what was once your life? </p><p>Ingrid Michaelson, in the CD she wrote whilst tromping about in my head, has a song called &quot;Glass.&quot; And, of course, Ingrid always says it better: </p><p><i>&quot;You could make my head swerve. </i></p><p><i>Used to know my every curve. </i></p><p><i>And now we pass and just like glass</i></p><p><i>I see through you, you see through me like I'm not there. </i></p><p><i>And now we meet on a street. </i></p><p><i>And I am blind. </i></p><p><i>I cannot find the heart I gave to you. </i></p><p><i>Sometimes what we think we really want we don't. </i></p><p><i>Sometimes what we think we love we don't.&quot;</i> </p><p>What else is there to say, really? </p> Mind and Spirit Navigating Divorce Mon, 26 May 2008 12:12:18 -0400 Alice Brooks 6953 at