firstwivesworld - I Can&#039;t Do It All - Comments Comments for "I Can't Do It All" en So many whines.... And here we have all the time to do so. You just whine right ahead. Whatever our situation, it is always relative. Yours is difficult because it is. As is mine, as is Faith's -- all of us are struggling, and if you can't whine at FWW then what are we all doing here! signed, a fellow whiner Fri, 23 May 2008 17:18:49 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5554 at That must be a hard That must be a hard realization to have come to. rbys Fri, 23 May 2008 09:26:59 -0400 Guest comment 5550 at Movement is always good, I Movement is always good, I think. In any direction. Maybe a shift is coming. Until then, whining is a fine plan. Fri, 23 May 2008 04:37:06 -0400 Guest comment 5549 at You Can Whine I've gone the joint custody route - one week on, one week off. It was actually more draining on me and my daughter than full custody. Full time, full on is tough, yes, but scattered scheduling is worse, in my opinion. I give you full permission to whine. Thu, 22 May 2008 12:49:30 -0400 JulieSavard comment 5539 at I Can't Do It All <p>How to say this without it coming out wrong.... Aside from the emotional chaos and inability to move forward, the hardest part of this limbo land I've created is single parenting with no break from my kids on their daddy days. </p><p>I know, plenty of you out there are true single moms. Full time, full on. I bow to you. I have no idea how you do it. It feels lame to whine here when Sam has them three to four nights a week. </p><p>But, obviously, I've come to whine, or I wouldn't have started this post. </p><p>I balance parenting and working (or, at least, attempting to work) five days a week. Because my work schedule is &quot;flexible&quot; and Sam's is not, Roxie and Lila are with me from Sunday night or Monday morning until Thursday evening. Sam has them Thursday night, but brings them back to me Friday morning before work and I take them to school. I get a few work hours Friday morning, and they're back with me all afternoon. </p><p>I know, many people have it harder. Many people can parent all day and pump out the work into the wee hours. Not me. </p><p>I require down time. Period. Lots of downtime. Without it, I can't function, and everything tumbles like dominoes. </p><p>I need balance. If I have my kids all the time half the week, I need a couple solid days of not being Mom. Not doing the bedtime routine, or waking to cries, coughs, and nightmares every other hour. </p><p>The half-in, half-out thing is not sustainable. </p><p>Here's my revelation of the week: We need to fully sever or move back into one place soon. Because until we do I'll be here, exhausted, in my tiny apartment trying simultaneously to work on my own goals and work as a family, and not doing either very well. </p> family kids motherhood parenting work Kids and Family Contemplating Divorce Thu, 22 May 2008 07:50:58 -0400 Elaina Goodman 6911 at