firstwivesworld - Yoga Stoned - Comments Comments for "Yoga Stoned" en Ha! I had the exact same reaction during my first Hot Yoga class. How can you hold those poses when there's sweat pouring off every inch of your body? I felt like I was going to pass out several times. Now I take regular Vinyasa Yoga classes and I'm much happier. I'm just not wired for Hot Yoga. I'll be pretty impressed if you go back. Fri, 18 Jul 2008 17:09:14 -0400 Sarah Farthing comment 5771 at Yoga Stoned <p>This is the story of how last night I landed in that 100,000 degree yoga class I swore I would never go to. How I made it through without waking up to the eyes of a paramedic I will never know. </p><p>It was 6 pm. I just got off the train from NYC and was heading to my suburban NYSC gym for a spin class when I got a call from Vi, my gym buddy. Vi said, Joann (her sister and my other gym buddy) wanted to try the 7:30 Bikram yoga instead — that they were having some trial special. </p><p>Not the hot yoga? I asked. Yup, that's the one. I had to pull over. This did not sound appealing. I wanted to say no, but I said yes. My high heels were killing me and I needed coffee first, so I stopped at Starbucks. First problem. You never drink coffee before hot yoga. The woman at the desk looked horrified when I walked in with the cup. It raises your heart rate she said. </p><p>Now I'm horrified, since this seems like a very bad thing right now. You didn't eat recently, did you? she asked. Well, I did not get the memo on yoga protocol between the train and the class, so yes, I just had a banana shake on the train that was one of the four meals allowed on my Diets4idiots first day. </p><p>I now notice that people are practically naked sitting in the hallway and I am already feeling hot. Has anyone ever died in here? I pay, grab my towel, and head to change and some girl yells that I am not allowed to walk in there in heels. We don't want pebbles in our mouths she said. Pebbles in our mouths????? Holy Zen. Second need to leave your shoes at the door. Good thing they don't give out yoga tickets. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> bikram exercise yoga Health and Body Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 20 May 2008 13:46:53 -0400 Debbie Nigro 6894 at