firstwivesworld - Readers Cry Out For Help... - Comments Comments for "Readers Cry Out For Help..." en left alone to cope <p>I sense you want to get through this..on your own...however, my daughter suffers from Bipolar and always needs medication to balance her thoughts..It's no different then having need medication to survive. See a counselor and let them advise how to help you.It sounds like the ladies comments below, may have a solution to further counseling you can afford. Once your there, you can stand tall, and move on. </p> <p>I'm a reader, and I noticed the bloggers all try to share their horror stories so you know your not alone. By the way I've been married 3 times. I'm not proud it took three marriages to be stable, however, I am committed to this one, and I hope you'll free yourself, for whatever, is still waiting for you. I was 53 before I found Joe...and had been divorced awhile..</p> <p>Writing to First Wives is your first step... life is rarely fair, and you will prevail no matter what, if you set your mind to it..get professional help the ending could be great... Good luck and I'll pray for you.</p> <p>Dorothy from grammology<br /> call your grandma<br /> <a href="" title=""></a></p> Tue, 02 Oct 2007 20:15:04 -0400 Dorotheaa comment 2636 at You have a choice... <p>To add to Taylor's comment, most counties have a community mental health program that provides mental health counseling for those in need and without insurance and many communities also offer displaced homemaker services including counseling services.</p> <p>But you do have a allow this man to victimize you or to learn to stand on your own two feet. It is difficult to get up each morning and put one foot in front of the other...but that's exactly what you need to do. As long as you allow him to victimize you he will continue to do so. Once he sees that his actions aren't effecting you then maybe he will back down. </p> <p>You have many things going on and you need time to heal, losing two family members in one year in not easy, but getting rid of an abusive husband at the same time might be easier than having to deal with the divorce once you are over the grieving process.</p> <p>Best of luck to you,<br /> Randie</p> Tue, 02 Oct 2007 19:02:47 -0400 Guest comment 2632 at Domestic Violence Info <p>Every state has a domestic violence program. You can seek free counseling through their services. I have, and I have received such great emotional support - and someone to turn to when you need a shoulder.<br /> also has a free hotline that you can call and speak to someone, for free. These resources are available to you 24/7. Scars can be healed. </p> <p>Taylor Raine</p> Tue, 02 Oct 2007 16:36:10 -0400 Taylor Raine comment 2628 at Readers Cry Out For Help... <p>At <b>First Wives World</b>, we receive many letters from women asking for advice, support and coping strategies. These writers are looking to us and our community for emotional support. </p><p>We want you to know you aren't alone. FWW is a place you can come to share your thoughts and feelings and to get feedback from other women. <i>Please remember, however, that the community is not a replacement for mental health professionals.</i></p><p>Yesterday, we heard from <a href="[[]]">a woman who's reeling after her husband left their 25-year-old marriage</a>. Today, we have a letter from a woman who suffered the loss of her brother, mother and the crumbling her marriage all within a year. </p><p>Here we offer excerpts from the letter for you to read and comment on. A few of the details have been changed to protect the identity of the writer. If you have thoughts you'd like to share, please comment below.</p><p>&quot;I was in a long distance relationship with my soon-to-be ex- husband. Me in Chicago, he in California. I had a great job as an event planner and met my future husband at opening a club opening where he was performing. We caught each other's eye and met after the show, talked for three hours, exchanged #'s and talked on the phone for the next four months. ...</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Ask the Community Mind and Spirit Navigating Divorce Tue, 02 Oct 2007 16:15:00 -0400 Katherine McKee 687 at