firstwivesworld - The Day My Life Blew Up - Comments Comments for "The Day My Life Blew Up" en Funny! Thank you. I just had a big old guffaw! Tue, 20 May 2008 16:51:23 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5517 at If you can't stand the heat.... it's not always best to get out of the kitchen. However in your case...seems it was the right choice. What an explosive blog. I think you are on fire with your analogies between the blow up of divorce and physical trauma like having your world blow up around you. Much like the scars on your body heal and become a part of who you are, so do the scars left on us emotionally from relationships. They may not define us, but they are part of our make up. Your blogs have reminded me that even in tragedy, it's okay to laugh and find the lighter side. It helps us cope. It makes us human. Now, please try to obey the no smoking rules in the future. Tue, 20 May 2008 16:21:37 -0400 Guest comment 5516 at The Day My Life Blew Up <p>I was inside a building that blew up. Yep. KaBam! Boom! Pow! </p><p>When the explosion ended almost in a matter of one single second, I found myself blown out of my office chair and on my hands and knees under my desk. </p><p>What had just happened? I asked myself, completely unaware of the second and third degree burns that covered my feet, ankles, hands and face. <br />I immediately scrambled to stand and rushed to get out of the building, as I was quite certain another explosion was to come. I still had no idea what had happened. </p><p>That was 25 years ago, but the same emotional shock and confusion and even physical pain would come again when my divorce was final. What had just happened? Yesterday I was married. Today, I'm a single parent raising two young children on my own. </p><p>Divorce wreaks your life. So, if you're considering it, please make sure you know that there simply is no other way to survive, literally. If you can find a way to make it work, find that way and make it work. </p><p>Divorce is the last resort. It should not be used as an excuse to remove yourself from a situation that has become a little hard, challenging and less fulfilling than it once was. It should not be an excuse to go shopping again for something that you think might bring happiness to you. </p><p>Divorce is not an escape valve. It's serious business, and it breaks hearts each and every time. </p><p>I am in the &quot;moving beyond&quot; for <b>FWW.</b> That is who I am and what I am doing. It comes with its own set of challenges each day. It comes with its own unfulfillment, it's own lack luster. It's own boredom, strife, heartbreak. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> change chaos life Mind and Spirit Health and Body Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 19 May 2008 12:00:18 -0400 Wanda Woodard 6858 at