firstwivesworld - Asking Me To Stay - Comments Comments for "Asking Me To Stay" en I hear that, Sister! RBYS I hear that, Sister! RBYS Sun, 18 May 2008 23:24:01 -0400 Guest comment 5503 at We must always look inward We must always look inward first. CM Sun, 18 May 2008 20:22:17 -0400 Guest comment 5497 at Yep, that's it Now you've got it, girl. The changes in ourselves are the only sticks worth measuring with. Sun, 18 May 2008 11:45:37 -0400 Guest comment 5492 at Asking Me To Stay <p>Sam didn't want me to go. He begged and cried and left a haiku stuck to the mirror on Post-It notes every morning.</p><p>He said marriage is forever and we promised to be in this together forever. </p><p>He said I said I was ruining the kids.</p> <p>He asked if I could find it in my heart to give him one more chance.</p> <p>The thing is, he was miserable in it, too. Was so unhappy, months before I left he went to a friend's house to ask if he could live there for a while. Until he figured things out. Got a place of his own.</p> <p>But he didn't ask. Sam said he knew that night, in coming so close to leaving, that he wanted to stay, would stay in it forever trying to make it work.</p> <p>I wonder why sometimes. Love or fear?</p> <p>He wasn't getting what he needed from me any more that I was getting it from him.</p> <p>I know it's true, because I wasn't giving it. He blames himself. Outsiders, when they look at our relationship, they blame him too. The things he &quot;did&quot; were tangible.</p> <p>You could name them.</p> <p>And some were just reactions. Ways of being in relation to the ways I was being.</p> <p>I thought I was taking my time in this separation to see if there was changes in Sam that could make us better together. That's not what I'm doing.</p> <p>What I really doing, I know now, is taking my time to see if there are changes in me.</p> changes commitment navigating divorce separation Mind and Spirit Sex and Love Navigating Divorce Sat, 17 May 2008 14:00:00 -0400 Elaina Goodman 6808 at