firstwivesworld - The Last Samurai - Comments Comments for "The Last Samurai" en Thank you for sharing It's nice to know we're not alone, isn't it. I'm so glad you woke up and discovered you were in love with life again. Exciting, romantic, blissful, wistful, exhilarating love is not reserved for couples only. It is something that an indiviual can find when we release our spirit and take back our place and our right to exist and to grow, to learn and, most importantly, to know peace. Loving myself never felt so good! Mon, 12 May 2008 12:48:35 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5437 at Is that an amazing change? Wanda, I have been divorced almost a year, and I have enjoyed every minute of the last two months. I woke up one morning, and realized that every task, every call, every small thing I was doing that day was so wonderful, as I had arrived at a great internal place where the pain of my divorce & his infidelity no longer really mattered. What did was that I could now experience the small and big things each day with an ease, a patience, an enjoyment that I had never experienced in my life, not even before and while I was married. What it has opened me up to is an excelleration of my healing, my ability to focus and accomplish things that I did not think were ever going to be possible even 6 months ago, and a falling in love with my self and my life as it is, issues and all. I am so happy for you that you have found the same place of being each day. You are an amazing woman who has accomplished so much, for yourself and for those you care so much about. Your shift in this area will impact the world in more ways than you will ever know. Mon, 12 May 2008 09:28:09 -0400 Guest comment 5436 at The Last Samurai <p>Since the divorce (two and a half years ago) and in the last year, I have discovered something quite wonderful. It is that each and everything that we do is important. So, consequently, I am no longer in a rush. Seems I spent 12 years rushing, rushing, rushing to please, to prepare, to arrive on time, to make sure &quot;they&quot; were on time, to get things done. And it nearly killed me.</p><p>Today, I take pleasure in the smallest of things. I simply look at the job at hand and begin. I cut linings for my friend's drawers today. I did not over think it. I did not look at all the drawers and think, &quot;Oh, my God, there are so many of them.&quot;</p><p>She gave me the assignment, and I poured myself into it. I sat in the sun at my &quot;work&quot; station, which was a bench on her deck. I sat on a cooler with wheels, and I had a razor blade and a block of wood, an ink pen and a tape measure to complete my work.</p><p>I sat and drank a Smirnoff lemonade thing and began the task at hand. I did not care if there were rolls and rolls of this shelf liner that needed to be measured and cut and that the dimensions had to be 19 ¼ for some and 8 ¾ for others. I spread the material and measured and marked and cut using a quarter round to hold down the liner. I ran my blade as close to the quarter round as I could, paying attention to the fact that I wanted the edges to be smooth and not ragged.</p><p>I accomplished my task.</p><p>When the kids spill Pepsi or milk. When my dog gets sick and throws upon my floor or when the kitchen pipe under the sink leaks and I have to stop my current task or effort to relax and must stoop, bend, twist, unscrew, wipe, I do it willingly and almost happily.</p><p>I am a grateful Samurai, today. A soldier with Krud Kutter and Lysol as my weapons.</p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> being a fighter moving beyond divorce taking pleasure in little things Mind and Spirit Kids and Family House and Home Moving Beyond Divorce Sun, 11 May 2008 16:00:00 -0400 Wanda Woodard 6713 at