firstwivesworld - &quot;You Make Me Dizzy&quot; - Comments Comments for ""You Make Me Dizzy"" en Sorry I'm so sorry to hear that. That sucks. But how could he stand there and deny it? Didn't you catch him red handed? Maybe they deserve each other.... Thu, 08 May 2008 18:59:42 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5403 at Oh get a life, mystery commenter Please, seriously, YOU go get a life. What is the matter with you? Do you have nother better to do than to harass all of our bloggers? Hell, if my blog is bothering you so much, I have an idea, DON'T READ IT. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, does it? For the record, I am happy with my life. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love my job. And, my ex IS a bastard. And YOU are a coward, if you weren't, you would be posting your name. Instead you choose to hide behind the veil of "guest". Thu, 08 May 2008 18:57:37 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5402 at Spinning in Circles I honestly believe that if you are honest with yourself and do not try and fabricate things maybe your bitter whiney blogs would reveal the true person behind the words. It's strange how every one of your blogs contradicts itself, are these women on this site not able to see through you? Are you really the forgiving person you state in your blogs? SO many times you stated that you were "happy" and at peace with your life and then two blogs later your ex is a bastard. Blah Blah Blah! It's getting so that your life is one continuous rerun, hell even the T.V programs have a new season.we can look forward to..... Thu, 08 May 2008 18:27:58 -0400 Guest comment 5400 at feeling dizzy I agree, I am tired of walking around not knowing if I am coming or going. After 28 years of marriage my husband came home and told me he was not happy, turns out happy's name is Shelley. A divorced predator who he met at the gym. For months he told me he loved me and I was the love of his life, then I found them coming out of a hotel room after having a massage. He stood there and denied it. New York is full of men, but Shelley had to find mine. Ms. Waln, you can have him. You two deserve each other! No wonder I feel so dizzy, he tells me one thing and who knows what lies he is telling her. Thu, 08 May 2008 17:58:24 -0400 Guest comment 5399 at We all love you girl! J We all love you girl! J Thu, 08 May 2008 14:34:17 -0400 Guest comment 5395 at Thanks guys You guys (girls) are the best!! Thu, 08 May 2008 11:41:48 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5392 at It is dizzying to be sure. I'm with you. I so wished for our lives to be normal. I so wanted my ex to clean up his act, get off the drugs and straighten up. But, alas, it was and is what it is. I know it's exhausting for you, but keep moving forward. You'll reach a good place eventually. I have. Thu, 08 May 2008 10:41:30 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5386 at My Mother is from a family My Mother is from a family of 8. She is the eldest and the only girl. My grandfather had numerous affairs and treated my grandmother terribly. He divorced her and left her with 8 children to raise on her own. Grandma never asked for a penny of child support. Was she too proud? Trying to save face? Well, she ended up having a stroke and dying ten years later from a varied mix of illnesses. She never stood up for herself and was probably one of the most giving and loving women I have ever known- aside from my own Mom. I applaud you for having the strength of character to think of your son- not your own pride (if that's even a factor) and hold your ex accountable for the choices he has made. There is not nearly enough accountability in this world these days. And if that makes people uncomfortable or "dizzy", then so be it! CM Thu, 08 May 2008 09:49:12 -0400 Guest comment 5382 at "You Make Me Dizzy" <p>Somebody made a comment on one of my <a href="/community/house-bloggers/faith-eggers/do-i-still-have-feelings-him" target="_blank">blog posts</a> yesterday that said, &quot;Faith, can you please make up your mind...Are you in or out of this whole thing? Get a life and move on or stay in the blog and be miserable.&quot; </p><p>Of course, this comment was meant to be nasty and hurtful, and of course just like every other comment of its kind, it was signed by a &quot;guest.&quot; I have a feeling said &quot;guest&quot; is Levi, or his other ex, or one of his other minions. In any case, that doesn't matter. What got me thinking was the subject line of the comment: &quot;Making me dizzy.&quot; </p><p>Exactly. </p><p>I feel dizzy, all the time. I feel like I've been running in circles for the last year and a half. I feel dizzy with stress, dizzy with anger, dizzy with sadness, and dizzy with disappointment.</p><p>I don't want any of this. </p><p>I would love for things to be normal, for things to be better. I would be overjoyed if Levi would take responsibility as far as his son is concerned. I would love it if we didn't have to go to court. Hey, maybe then I could even get one of those &quot;lives&quot; you speak of! </p><p>And I did run circles around that decision. I actually have quite a few issues with the family court system that make me not want to take any part in it. </p><p>To start with, I don't agree with pumping my money into a system that doesn't have my best interest in mind. I feel that they actually hope that people won't do the right thing. Why? Because if we all did the right thing, they wouldn't have jobs. If everyone paid their child support there would be no need for child support enforcement. There would be no need for family court judges, family court lawyers, etc. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> child support family court Kids and Family Navigating Divorce Thu, 08 May 2008 09:15:03 -0400 Faith Eggers 6693 at