firstwivesworld - I Need Balance - Comments Comments for "I Need Balance" en I Need Balance <p>I have just come to the realization that I am a workaholic. </p><p>I was having a veg-out evening last week with a friend of mine. We indulged in wine, pizza, and a movie. I guess there is a limit to how long I can &quot;veg-out,&quot; because I grabbed my laptop halfway through the movie and began returning emails and scheduling meetings. She looked at me half-crazed. </p><p>&quot;Don't you ever stop working?&quot; </p><p>Apparently not. </p><p>The following morning, my department advisor echoed the same sentiment, stating that I need to slow down and specialize, or risk premature burnout. </p><p>This afternoon during a conversation with my mother, she asked me how I was, and I replied that I didn't know, now that things are beginning to wind down. She laughed at me, as she does often, noting that if I am not wound up like a spring, I have absolutely no idea what to do with myself. </p><p>All three of these women are right. </p><p>This is a sad state of affairs. </p><p>My problem: I don't have a balance. I don't know how or where to find one — or what one would consist of. This brings to the forefront myriad questions, with the most prominent being, &quot;Am I overcompensating for something?&quot; </p><p>This is the first time this thought has crossed my mind. This is a very real possibility. Problem is, I have no idea what to do about it. </p> balance work workaholic Career and Pursuits Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 07 May 2008 09:23:29 -0400 Akillah Wali 6688 at