firstwivesworld - Song Analysis with Alice - Comments Comments for "Song Analysis with Alice" en Romance for messed-up people I think the writer probably had your perspective on what she wrote, but I know there are definitely people who find that sort of thing romantic, sadly enough. These are the same people who find "Wuthering Heights" romantic, because who doesn't want a guy who's so obsessed with you he'll dig up your grave after you're dead? Okay, that would be you, me, and anyone who isn't completely out of her mind. But there aren't as many of us as one wishes there were. Tue, 27 May 2008 00:03:25 -0400 Guest comment 5576 at It's NEVER - Just a song how cynical can you be? no, a song is never really just a song. i know. i live with a song writer. writing a song is like giving birth. or actually raising a child. it starts with something way beyond the desire to make money. it starts with a story, a thought, an experience or a feeling. music resonates through most people like nothing else. it makes you happy, sad, lonely, an emotion, i'll give you a song that pulls that feeling from my soul. i had not heard of this artist until tonight. i've listened to the song a few times. and it pulls me in. how many of us can't relate to feeling just like we would do anything just to occupy a corner of someone's heart, a tiny space under someone's bed or a minute of someone's day. music comes from and speaks to the heart. to be so simple as to say it's just a're missing a great lesson Wed, 07 May 2008 22:13:52 -0400 Guest comment 5374 at Exactly. "It's just a song?" -- then what they heck are we all doing on this site? No, I have found that many artist write songs about their own life experiences. I live 28 miles from Nashville, and I know a few songwriters (none of the famous ones) and they do not write or sing to make money. They do it to express what they feel or think. Most of their work is autobiographical in one way or the other. I'm with you, Guest, if a song is just a song, then we might as well stop listening to music. I think Alice's thoughts are the kind that many of us have about our lives -- finding a song that helps us, teaches us, nurtures us or even bitterly reminds us of something in our life is a good way to move beyond divorce. Thank you, Alice. I loved your post Wed, 07 May 2008 16:01:55 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5361 at and a poem is just a poem? and a painting is just pigment on a canvas and (so the song goes) life is just to die? sorry, i don't buy that. i think it's good, great, wonderful to look to art, music, architecture, nature--all these things--to try to find or understand our connections to one another and to find some meaning to go with our experiences. if you're only hearing love songs from "artists" looking to make a buck, i suggest changing the station or getting a new radio--literally and metaphorically. Tue, 06 May 2008 13:26:15 -0400 Guest comment 5326 at IT'S JUST A SONG PEOPLE.... What else can singers write about other than 1) being in love 2) fallen out of love 3) missing olde lovers 4) missed opportunities in the game of love... just songs ladies... made to make the singer rich... Tue, 06 May 2008 10:36:00 -0400 Guest comment 5321 at We become what we think We become what we think about- I really believe that. We deserve more than to just be in a corner of someone's life, or heart- it's a scary road to visit, if you ask me... CM Tue, 06 May 2008 10:15:58 -0400 Guest comment 5317 at This song resonates with me too I think because I know how it is to settle for crumbs for so long that you really do begin to feel in your heart like this is all you isn't true....but that's how it feels. I know how you feel Alice, about not wanting to ever settle for this again. That's not love, I don't know why we convince ourselves it ever was. Mon, 05 May 2008 21:55:25 -0400 Guest comment 5313 at Song Analysis with Alice <p>I've been listening to Ingrid Michaelson all week. One particular CD — it's like she's crawled into my head and is digging about it in, only in a catchy/lovely/song lyrical kind of way. My past two years are there in their entirety, neatly, in 10 tracks or so. </p><p>This one song — &quot;Corner of Your Heart&quot; — I can't stop listening to it. I can't stop because it upsets me so much, like a bruise you can't stop pressing. It's beautiful and haunting and infinitely disturbing. I can't turn it off. </p><p>&quot;There's a corner of your heart just for me,&quot; it goes. &quot;I will pack my bags just to stay in the corner of your heart. Just to sleep underneath your bed. Just to occupy one minute of your day.&quot; </p><p>Now, I don't know if this intended to be a love song. Maybe it is. Maybe to other people there is romance in it. </p><p>But to me, it's horrifying. It's everything that was wrong about my relationship: me just wanting something, something, anything that would tell me I was loved back. It's me being offered only a corner, being willing to take that. Being happy with that. Giving up so much in hopes of that one minute. </p><p>I can't stop listening to it because I want to know if that's what it's meant to mean. Because I recognize myself in it. And because I'm so far away from that place now and don't want to go anywhere near it again. </p><p>Also, it's a really pretty song. </p> lyrics message song Leisure and Fun Navigating Divorce Mon, 05 May 2008 15:00:10 -0400 Alice Brooks 6661 at