firstwivesworld - The First Bloom - Comments Comments for "The First Bloom" en Women are perpetual. And I just love that -- we are so closely tied with the moon, the tides, gravity, the lack of gravity. We fly, we dance, we grow life, we ache, we heal. You are right. Tue, 06 May 2008 08:58:40 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5315 at Renewal It has always amazed me how many times nature has pulled me throught a night, a day, etc. etc. etc. All the way to a season. Spring ,(despite the fact that TN produces as much pollen as any where in the world) --must be everyone's favorite because it reminds that there is always a renewal after winter.---But I appreciate winter, too. It weeds/freezes out the riff- raff, the fleas and the ticks, the poor diseased limbs. Then, Along comes Spring---and don't cha just love metaphors---Gotta love TN tornadoes, they get rid of the unnecessary, nonconbrituting parts of our lives. I Expect storms now, I accept that it took a storm to separate me from my ex.--I like it that, after the winter, even if it took a season or two, I bloomed again. Reading your blog reminded me how strong I became --a long time ago, and why I love perrenials. Mon, 05 May 2008 15:32:31 -0400 Guest comment 5311 at We are creatures of nature are we not. Right you are, CM. Nature persists. I have always felt that women were more connected to Mother Earth than men. We are in tune with the changes necessary for growth. Men will never undertand this. Mon, 05 May 2008 09:01:07 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 5301 at nature has the power to come nature has the power to come back through devastation- it's so powerful and beautiful all at the same time. CM Sat, 03 May 2008 17:39:14 -0400 Guest comment 5288 at The First Bloom <p>Springtime in Middle Tennessee is beautiful. The house I live in had flowers planted already, but for two springs they haven't bloomed. My landlady tells me that they are Irises. But, as I said, they haven't bloomed, so how would I know?</p><p>Irises come in many colors. The prettiest I think is the periwinkle blue (don't you just love that word — periwinkle — I love saying it). But for two springs, I've seen no blooms. </p><p>That changed this morning, a morning of my third spring. I'd seen it coming because I watched some green leaves sprout, thicken, and become stalks. Every morning, the stalks grew a little taller, and eventually I began to see the tips begin to swell. There was something good coming. I could see it, and I could feel it. </p> <p>Your recovery from a divorce is much like my Irises. The roots are still there, and the plant is living, drinking and growing, but simply not producing a flower. It may take a year, two years even longer, but as long as you're still there, standing and living, you're okay. </p> <p>What you will discover along the way is that you eventually will not feel quite so forlorn. You will notice that you are smiling a bit more, and that what used to bring you joy seems to be gradually easing itself back into your heart.  </p> <p>A beautiful sky painted in dozens of colors that nearly moves you to tears. A sudden breeze that waves branches of trees and makes your hair blow around your face like an actress in a movie. A butterfly. Four-week-old kittens. Your favorite song suddenly playing on the radio and so you turn it up and sing along and feel alive and free and, dare I say it, happy. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> bouncing back from divorce iris moving beyond divorce waiting to bloom Mind and Spirit House and Home Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 03 May 2008 14:00:00 -0400 Wanda Woodard 6594 at