firstwivesworld - How Much Am I Worth? - Comments Comments for "How Much Am I Worth?" en How Much Am I Worth? <p>This is something that I hadn't bargained for. It figures, since bargaining isn't my strong suit. </p><p>There comes a time in everyone's life when life-changing decisions have to be made. This time usually comes in conjunction with some drastic change of course: marriage, divorce, death of a loved one, change of job, completion of school, etc. </p><p>Sometimes, it's a welcome change, other times this transition is met with fear and anxiety. And still other times, chance can be a combination of the two, and can leave you tired, confused and, for lack of a better phrase, scared shitless. </p><p>I came to the realization a few weeks ago while perusing several Internet job sites that I have no real idea how to go about this. The jumping through the hoops is easy enough; update your resume, dress up, refrain from saying silly things while at the interview, and so forth. The problem I had was this: I have never been in a position where I have had to name my salary. </p><p>I know that throughout the years, I have collected a wealth of employable skills, and I now possess the education that many employers deem so very necessary, especially for the fields in which I am interested. What I am lacking is the savvy to put it all together and use it to my advantage. </p><p>I know it's never supposed to make sense all at the same time, but I can't help but wish it would, just once. <br /><br /> </p> interviewing interviews jobs salary Money and Finance Moving Beyond Divorce Fri, 25 Apr 2008 15:00:33 -0400 Akillah Wali 6512 at