firstwivesworld - Another Day, Another Threat - Comments Comments for "Another Day, Another Threat" en You're right No, I wouldn't. I would keep my son so far away from this man....we'd be on different planets! Thanks for the perspective.. Sun, 27 Apr 2008 17:12:30 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 5203 at I agree You are doing the right thing. As for his 'threat' to never be in Adrian's life, is Levi showing himself to be someone you would want in Adrian's life? If he were not Adrian's biological father, would you want Levi anywhere near him? Fri, 25 Apr 2008 12:21:05 -0400 KarenC comment 5174 at I do think you are right I do think you are right that it is up to Levi to cultivate the relationship with Adrian and it cannot be forced upon him. You have every right to talk him to court to get your support even if it is only financial. You do need to realize that even though he pays his support that means just that only support and may never be in his life. DON'T back down to him and stand your ground no matter how hard and mean he gets. Good luck. AEH Thu, 24 Apr 2008 23:44:16 -0400 Guest comment 5172 at Another Day, Another Threat <p>That seems to be what it's going to be for awhile. It sucks, to go to bat with someone who knows you so well. Someone you've shared your deepest self with, someone who really knows how to push your buttons. </p><p>Levi knows me better than most people know me. He knows how I feel about arguments, knows that usually I will avoid them at all costs. I'm the kind of person who can't deal with yelling. I don't know why, but whenever someone starts to raise their voice to me, I just shut down. I can't comprehend what they're saying; it's like I go into &quot;safe&quot; mode. Yelling scares me, so I try to avoid it. Which is why, I think, he's doing so much of it lately. </p><p>He also knows how much I love my son. My son, I've said, &quot;is my heart walking around outside of my body.&quot; He knows that his threats of taking him away from me, stealing him away from me, are crushing to me. </p><p>He also knows that I am inherently a good person (why not toot my own horn here?) and will generally forgive quite easily. I honestly think that it's this knowledge that makes him feel so free to be so selfish. The knowledge that one day, I will probably forgive him, and then he gets what he wants. Levi is the kind of guy that always has his cake and eats it too. </p><p>He left me a message earlier. Today's threat was this: &quot;If you continue to take me to court, and I'm ordered to pay, that's all I'll ever do. I'll only pay. I'll never have anything to do with him, EVER.&quot; </p><p>He's said this before, and it used to really upset me. It doesn't anymore. I've come to the conclusion that his relationship, or lack thereof, with Adrian, is up to him. It's not on me to facilitate that. Do you think I'm right? </p> child custody child support Kids and Family All Things Legal Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 24 Apr 2008 18:00:05 -0400 Faith Eggers 6498 at