firstwivesworld - Paying for Past Mistakes, Part II - Comments Comments for "Paying for Past Mistakes, Part II " en Remember that whatever Remember that whatever decision you make is the right one- because YOU decided. You can do this. CM Thu, 10 Apr 2008 21:30:27 -0400 Guest comment 5001 at Paying for Past Mistakes, Part II <p>In a nutshell, the situation I described in <a href="/community/house-bloggers/maya-halpen/paying-past-mistakes-part-i" target="_blank">Paying for Past Mistakes, Part I</a> goes: Ten years ago I indulged in things I couldn't afford and put myself in debt. Over the past couple of years I started to consider leaving Rob, but that old, crippling debt has kept me dependent on him for security I can't afford alone. This past year I've worked my @$$ off to pay off my credit card debt and put a bit of savings away. I'm on the cusp of affording independence. <br /><br />Sounds great, but not so fast. Moving away from Rob will suck up that savings in one fell swoop: the dreaded &quot;first, last, and security.&quot; And we're talking Boston rent. It's not as high as in New York, but it's certainly inflated and nearly impossible to afford. </p><p>Even with roommates I'd be living on a budget that allows no room for error. Faced with a medical bill or emergency, I'd have to use credit. And I wouldn't have the income to pay it back immediately. </p><p>You see where this is going? By leaving, I'll put myself right back in the same boat I was for the last 10 years: in debt with no savings. And this time with no safety net either, as there will be no Rob to bail me out. </p><p> I guess the solution is clear: wait. I should wait until I have enough savings to cover the move with enough left over to serve as a safety net. But — sheesh — that will keep me here another year! </p><p>Patience. Sit tight. Right? 
 <br /><br /> </p> leaving money safety net saving enough to leave savings Money and Finance Contemplating Divorce Thu, 10 Apr 2008 15:00:16 -0400 Maya Halpen 6332 at