firstwivesworld - Road Trip - Comments Comments for "Road Trip" en road trip! Whoo hoo! I can't road trip! Whoo hoo! I can't wait to hear how fabulous you were! CM Mon, 07 Apr 2008 19:46:29 -0400 Guest comment 4961 at Road Trip <p>Hi guys, </p><p>I am on the way to Rhode Island. The love for <b>First Wives World</b> and all that we represent continues. We got a call last week from a company which produces features that air on hundreds of TV stations wanting to do a story. So, today is the day and I am on my way. </p><p>It's a one day trip and I have five jackets, six hair contraptions, four pairs of shoes, an arsenal of make up, my computer, phone and a plethora of plugs and chargers. This is one of those days it might have been nice to have had a &quot;better half&quot; who might have convinced me I didn't need half this stuff. </p><p>But then again, the &quot;better half&quot; might have wanted to come along and drive, and if there's one thing I don't miss it's begging someone to make a pit stop or two... or three... or four...</p><p>Love,</p><p>Debbie Nigro, <b>First Wives World'</b>s Chief Executive Girlfriend<br /><br /> </p> Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:53:24 -0400 Debbie Nigro 6301 at