firstwivesworld - What&#039;s Your Situation? - Comments Comments for "What's Your Situation?" en Ha! It's funny- I am looking Ha! It's funny- I am looking for a sublet to help offset my Wedding costs in my two-bedroom apartment until September when my fiance' moves in and all I want is a thirty-something woman who doesn't mind a feisty kitty, is a non-smoker, and is a grown up! I'll send good apartment hunting energy your way... I know- the twenty-somethings are lovely, but I don't want to be someone's mommy. CM Sun, 06 Apr 2008 17:05:34 -0400 Guest comment 4942 at What's Your Situation? <p>Turns out, I'm not desirable roommate material. Here are some typical snippets from the apartment listings I've been reading:</p><p>&quot;We are mid-20s, looking for one roommate of same age to complete our household of four.&quot;</p><p>&quot;Young professional looking for second roommate in 20s or early 30s. 15-month lease only.&quot;</p><p>&quot;One bedroom available in Victorian June 1. For more information, please respond by telling us about your situation.&quot;</p><p>&quot;We are recent Boston University grads looking for a 20-something female to fill 1 bedroom in 3-bed apartment. Summer lease with option to renew for 1 year.&quot;</p><p>Egad! The people I can afford to live with think I'm too old and would probably consider my situation sticky. With no savings and only a moderate salary, the only place I can leave Rob for is a room in an apartment of strangers. Young'uns!</p><p>I imagine they are enjoying the freedom from responsibility of entry-level jobs, lead relatively carefree and simple lives, and go on dates a lot. They don't want a 34-year-old married woman cramping their style. And they need to depend on a roommate to stay through a lease, not bail if she decides to go back to her husband.</p><p>Can't blame them. I wouldn't want that sort of roommate! But where does that leave me? Makes me want sit tight, right here at home with Rob. I haven't even met any potential roommates, but I imagine I like him much better! The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.</p><p>Must. Keep. Looking.</p> 20-somethings apartment search contemplating divorce Mind and Spirit Money and Finance House and Home Contemplating Divorce Sun, 06 Apr 2008 13:00:00 -0400 Maya Halpen 6266 at