firstwivesworld - I Need &quot;Me&quot; Time - Comments Comments for "I Need "Me" Time" en I'm in Faith... I'll bring my kids, they are 16 and 23. They can babysit! That way us frazzled, single moms get some time away from the responsibilities without the cost of paying babysitters. Isn't that terrible? I'm so in need of a vaction I'm pimping my boys out. What I wouldn't give for a few days on a sandy beach about now. Julie, an escape would do you good. Put some effort into it and you will find a way to get what you need. Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:58:45 -0400 Cathy Meyer comment 4971 at I second that! We should go on vactaion. With our kids -- and some babysitters. What do you say? Faith Sat, 05 Apr 2008 19:03:36 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 4936 at Unfortunately I don't think Unfortunately I don't think you're allowed me time until your children are grown and out of the house! But seriously, is there someone you can have come and babysit for a few hours and just get out of the house and do whatever? We all need that- you seem to be long overdue. CM Sat, 05 Apr 2008 17:58:40 -0400 Guest comment 4934 at I Need "Me" Time <p>All right, I admit it. I'd like to be a drunk.  </p><p>I don't honestly mean that, of course, because when you're a lush, you don't have any life at all. You're bankrupt, you're boozing, and you're probably in bad need of a shower.</p><p>But boy, I would so like to ditch the responsibilities right now and just feel sorry for myself.</p><p>My neighbor called me not long ago. &quot;I think you're having a depression,&quot; she ventured carefully. Actually, scratch that. She wasn't careful about it at all.</p><p>But no. No depression for me. I wish. I've had six of those depressions and I know exactly what it feels like when they start to creep into your life. It's like you're in a shoebox and the lid is closing slowly down on you.</p><p>No, what I'm feeling these days is just rat-tired and sorry for myself. I'm tired of my ex who breezes in once a week to provide daycare to his daughter. I'm tired of my other ex who just breezes in whenever he wants. I'm tired of my kids.</p><p>It's been three years and five months since my last (very last) daughter was born. I spent a year and a half nurturing her while clinically depressed and I spent two years getting my feet back under me after leaving my husband.</p><p>Now I want to have &quot;me&quot; time. And by this point, I don't think a day will be enough. I want a week. Three weeks. A month.</p><p>I just want to ditch all consequences for a while, so I can appreciate what I have in my life once I'm ready to be a single parent again.</p><p>Whining? Oh yeah. I'm whining. I'm a woman. Aren't I allowed?</p> depression ex husband kids responsibilities Mind and Spirit Kids and Family House and Home Navigating Divorce Sat, 05 Apr 2008 17:00:00 -0400 JulieSavard 6264 at