firstwivesworld - Somebody Call Security... - Comments Comments for "Somebody Call Security..." en Somebody Call Security... <p>Yesterday, I was about to leave my door to our <a href="/resource/debbie-does-divorce">Debbie Does Divorce</a> live taping at The Heartland Brewery in the Empire State Building in NYC when Fran, my trusty right hand, takes a look at me in my brand new suit and blurts out, &quot;Oh No&quot;. Oh not a good thing to hear when you're rushing out the door. Oh No what? &quot;You still have the security sensor on your jacket!&quot; I felt a wave of nausea coming on. </p><p>I was so proud I had spent Sunday buying myself something fresh and springy to wear. I rarely lay everything out the night before to go anywhere, but I was so impressed with myself I just had to. There it was, a cream/brown combo linen suit with matching necklace, earrings, new shoes, and even a watch to match the belt.</p><p>There is no other outfit in my closet at this moment. How did I miss this? How did I get out of the store? How did I not feel this gigantic plastic contraption under my left armpit. Now what? Find the receipt and try and figure out if anyone closer than the original store could remove it. Ever try and get a security tag removed at a gas station? I rarely get totally annoyed, but there are exceptions.... thus the moment I blasted back through the front door of the original store where I whipped off my coat and held up my arm to show the store manager where to perform the security surgery. Needless to say she was embarrassed. I did call first to let her know I was fully dressed, could not change, and I would be coming back in through the security sensor... which by the way, did not go off. Somebody there better call security. </p> Money and Finance Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 01 Apr 2008 20:46:28 -0400 Debbie Nigro 6233 at