firstwivesworld - Crying at a Job Interview? Not Good - Comments Comments for "Crying at a Job Interview? Not Good" en Aint that the truth! Too funny -- uh, now! At that moment, it was like my emotions were Hoover dam, and I had this tiny little finger plugging up a hole that led straight to a gigantic crack. And, lo and cracked. Thank you for your comments, CM -- you are wonderful the way you skoot around on the site reading and commenting. I'm sure I speak for us all -- U da best! Tue, 01 Apr 2008 16:07:05 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 4882 at Wow- it took a lot of Wow- it took a lot of courage to do what you did- and that woman probably learned a great deal from you that day. We are not infallible and we all need a good cry every now and then. Yours just came out at an embarrassing time! It's kind of crazy how that usually goes... CM Tue, 01 Apr 2008 09:45:58 -0400 Guest comment 4879 at Crying at a Job Interview? Not Good <p>In case you haven't heard, crying during an interview is considered bad form. There I was being interviewed by one of those deadly women in their late forties — beautiful body and face, $500 suit, $300 shoes, a real ball-buster and the General Sales Manager of almost 40 television sales reps. </p><p>Now, granted, I'm not beautiful (uh, by traditional standards I mean), but I can hold my own, and that day I dressed to perfection. I wore my most expensive gray silk and very hip pants suit with my dyed red snake skin four inch heels (tough to walk in I can tell you!) finished off with a matching bag and my day timer. Oh, yeah, I was poised to bust a few balls myself. </p><p>As I sat in the interview, and keeping in mind that there probably isn't a person on earth who has had more job interviews in one lifetime than me, I knew I was scoring big time. I aced every question. My body language was impeccable. Hey, if you change jobs as often as I've been known to do, you can't help but improve your interviewing skills. </p><p>Lisa gave no indication of being a warm, touchy, feely person. She was balls to the walls success and all business. She fired the questions. I volleyed the answers. It was going perfectly. I knew she would offer the job to me. </p><p>And just as I was internally figuring out what sort of base and commission structure I should plan on asking for, BAM! She hit me with the oh-so-wrong question of, &quot;I guess it's been a little tough with the divorce and Hurricane Katrina...&quot; </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> crying emotional job interview moving beyond divorce Money and Finance Career and Pursuits Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:00:20 -0400 Wanda Woodard 6211 at