firstwivesworld - The Unreliable Ex - Comments Comments for "The Unreliable Ex" en Wow- what an ass. Now you've Wow- what an ass. Now you've learned to never rely on him for anything. Ever again. CM Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:18:18 -0400 Guest comment 4836 at Wow What a jerk! Sorry Naomi Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:11:42 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 4823 at The Unreliable Ex <p>My ex doesn't really piss me off anymore. I read a lot of posts on <b>First Wives World</b> where newly divorced women wonder if they'll stay as angry or as bitter or as hurt as they are now, and in my experience, the answer is no. </p><p>Generally speaking, we don't fight, we don't spat, we barely talk, frankly. But right now, I'm ready to ring his redneck neck. </p><p>When I was recently pregnant, there were complications. Blood pressure, bleeding, fainting — it sucked, I was in and out of the hospital, and I wasn't particularly good at returning phone calls or emails. Not to mention I was experiencing a fairly crushing depression but couldn't take my meds because they kept me up at night. </p><p>My oldest son was calling a lot from his grandparents', and I either wasn't there to take the call or I wasn't up for calling him back. After a few instances, I called my ex and asked him to get in touch with our son and explain the situation to him so he wouldn't feel completely abandoned. He was incredibly sweet and agreed to handle the whole thing. This was several weeks ago. </p><p>Last night, I was talking to my son on the phone, and he asked why I hadn't returned his calls all those weeks ago. He has the memory of a goldfish, so I reminded him of what had happened. </p><p>&quot;Oh,&quot; he says. &quot;I didn't hear.&quot; </p><p>&quot;You didn't?&quot; </p><p>&quot;Well, I spoke to Daddy a few days ago and I asked him why you weren't calling. He said he'd talked to you a few weeks before that but he didn't know what was going on.&quot; </p><p>I feel like dragging my ex into an alley and smacking him stupid.<br /><br /> </p> communication contemplating divorce health kids responsibility sick Kids and Family Contemplating Divorce Fri, 28 Mar 2008 13:00:09 -0400 Naomi Dunne 6169 at