firstwivesworld - Remembering to Take Care of Myself - Comments Comments for "Remembering to Take Care of Myself" en Good question in that last Good question in that last comment. ;) Yes, eating is important, but god, I totally hear you about how ahrd it is to remember sometimes, to take real care of yourself. I'm seeing it very clearly this week, real contrast to last week. Funny the things we know we need to do for ourselves that we over and over again refuse to do. But you are keeping at it, and you will get there. No doubt. Fri, 04 Apr 2008 03:50:58 -0400 Guest comment 4912 at Is he/she hot? The Is he/she hot? The elliptical? CWL Sat, 29 Mar 2008 13:15:47 -0400 Guest comment 4845 at Without words, your actions Without words, your actions send messages. Good for you for making your health a priority. It's hard to do- we as women think it's frivolous- the notion of taking care of ourselves. Your children see that and you are a great example to them. CM Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:21:33 -0400 Guest comment 4838 at Remembering to Take Care of Myself <p>When I finally bottomed out on feeling crappy last week, I came back around to the same old thing I've always known. It's time to take care of myself and take responsibility for my outlook. </p><p>If I see it getting better, it gets better. If I see it getting worse, it gets worse. </p><p>When I take care of myself, my outlook improves, my attitude improves, my energy improves, my parenting improves, my work improves, my income improves. </p><p>So this week, I'm recommitted to the gym, been there three days in a row and I know the everyday thing won't last, but as long as I keep going, I'll keep going. </p><p>I'm eating three meals a day, drinking lots of water and trying to sleep normal hours. </p><p>Sounds like basic stuff, huh? Eating meals seems so simple it's hardly worth mentioning, until I realize I'm not eating regularly. It's that spiral where I make my kids a hot breakfast with sides of juice and fruit, eat the unwanted PB&amp;J crusts while packing their lunches and call it good. </p><p>Darkness, depression, bad relationships: They're all the same that way — hard to see the depth of it for what it is when you're in it. </p><p>If you'll excuse me, please, I'm off to the gym for my date with the elliptical.<br /><br /> </p> contemplating divorce eating well exercise exercising health healthy mental health working out Mind and Spirit Health and Body Contemplating Divorce Fri, 28 Mar 2008 07:00:04 -0400 Elaina Goodman 6165 at