firstwivesworld - Isn&#039;t There a Pill for That? - Comments Comments for "Isn't There a Pill for That?" en Think before you speak. Think before you speak. maybe there should be a pill for THAT. CM Wed, 26 Mar 2008 21:29:40 -0400 Guest comment 4805 at Is there a Pill for that After finding out we were pregnant with my son, my ex's comment was, "I made an appointment or a vasectomy so we dont have anymore unwanted kids" What a jerk!! To me it was a miracle because I had just lost my left tube and ovary and was on a birth control shot!! Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:32:49 -0400 nvmommyx6 comment 4797 at Isn't There a Pill for That? <p>Well, I was pregnant and now I'm not. It got me to thinking, as I've been known to do, about my ex. </p><p>When I was first married, I got a positive pregnancy test a few days after the wedding. I basically freaked out, but I did it privately. My ex was the type who would freak out enough for the both of us, so I figured it would be a good idea to at least get accustomed to the idea on my own before I dropped the highly unexpected bomb on him. </p><p>When I finally realized I couldn't wait any longer to tell him, I did. I took him out to a pub and ordered him a beer. I told him. He took a swig from his beer. He took another swig from his beer. He took a third swig from his beer. </p><p>&quot;Can't you take a pill or something?&quot; </p><p>&quot;To do what?&quot; </p><p>&quot;To... you know.&quot; </p><p>Oh yes. I knew. But if he was going to be like this about it, I wasn't going to make it any easier for him. Keep in mind, we had a 15-month-old son already, so it wasn't a general fatherhood issue. </p><p>The thing is, I have nothing against abortion for those couples who think it's the right thing to do. I just don't think it's something you do before you've had a chance to, uh, think about it. Or discuss it. Or, in his case, even know the legalities and the procedures involved. No, sadly, I can't just take a pill or something. </p><p>I later found out that I wasn't really pregnant. It was something called a blighted ovum, which means your body thinks you're pregnant and acts like you're pregnant but you're not actually pregnant. I have to wonder what would have happened if it was the real deal. </p> contemplating divorce divorce marriage Kids and Family Contemplating Divorce Wed, 26 Mar 2008 09:30:36 -0400 Naomi Dunne 6129 at