firstwivesworld - A Girl&#039;s Gotta Do What A Girl&#039;s Gotta Do - Comments Comments for "A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do" en Aint it the truth! Thank you for saying what we all seem to be realizing -- why didn't we stick to our guns. Like you said, we're always trying to do the right thing - the nice thing -- this is our curse, I suppose, but our blessing as well. Mon, 24 Mar 2008 18:11:26 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 4770 at Seriously, is what you did really wrong? I don't think so. If you add up what he owes, no, forget you...HIS children - I'm thinking he has know right to complain. That's the thing about divorce, we want to do the right thing. Be on the right side of everything...even take the high road. In the end, I think we short-change ourselves, the kids and our self worth. I've been divorced almost 14 years now (oh my god!!) and sometimes I still beat myself up for not asking for what I deserved. Sun, 23 Mar 2008 12:37:50 -0400 Guest comment 4753 at Sometimes You Gotta Be Bad to Get the Goods Yes, CM, the tactics were questionable. And I did wrestle with it, but in the end, my children needed some things, and by golly, I was going to get them. Yeah, he finally gets it, I think. Would I do it again, not likely. But, as I said -- sometimes a girl's know. Sat, 22 Mar 2008 13:23:29 -0400 Wanda Woodard comment 4741 at Seems to me that he finally Seems to me that he finally understood the language you were speaking. You have beat him at his own game. Do I agree with the tactics? That's really not my call, but I applaud you for standing up for your family. CM Sat, 22 Mar 2008 12:43:51 -0400 Guest comment 4737 at A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. I'm talking <i>pseudo</i> credit card fraud. Now, don't misunderstand me. I'm a law-abiding citizen, but sometimes you have to find an alternative path to get what you and your children absolutely must have. <p>Since the divorce, Stinky likes to make a trip once a year up here to show his <i>gracious generosity </i>by using his credit card to purchase socks, underwear, shoes, and school supplies for his son and daughter. He will not pay one red cent in child support throughout the year, but in August he gets to come up here and play hero for the day. Last year, I did something I never thought I would do - I took advantage of his credit at a major department store. See, since he was with me, but hated to shop, we just filled out the credit card form right then and there and the lovely clerk gave me a slip of paper to use until his card arrived in the mail. </p> <p>Did I mention that Stinky is a little on the ignorant side? I think he just doesn't care enough to pay attention sometimes. If it isn't something he is interested in, he ignores it. Shopping is one of those things. </p><p>The following week, and after he'd left town, my daughter had decided she didn't exactly like a particular outfit and Joseph still did not have his much-needed shoes. So, I did the unthinkable, but, trust me, I did a whole lot of <i>thinking </i>before I promptly marched myself up to the department store and exchanged the one outfit for three more, bought my son's shoes and a couple of more shirts and bought myself a few things, too, using that little slip of paper. After all, the last name on the card was &quot;Woodard,&quot; and I still use that as my legal name (for the kids' sake). </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Kids and Family Money and Finance Moving Beyond Divorce Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:00:00 -0400 Wanda Woodard 6048 at