firstwivesworld - Sick And Single In The City - Comments Comments for "Sick And Single In The City" en I completely understand On Feb 8th, I fell off my bike, landing first on my elbow, my head and then my back. I broke my elbow, had a bump on my head the size of an orange(and a good concussion to the mix), and a complete messed up back. After the ambulance trip to the hospital, wich I barely remember, I ended up moving in with my mom for the next week. I had no short term memory and couldn't wash my hair, do laundry, or make anything to eat with one arm. I am greatful that my mom lives so close. If she wasn't near I don't know really what I would have done being alone. Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:29:38 -0400 Guest comment 4669 at I know the feeling... I feel for you Akillah. I woke Thursday with a terrible sore throat and both ears throbbing and my doctor out of his office. Thursday afternoon I choked on anything I attempted to swallow and my fever rose to 100 degrees. Friday morning, things were far worse and the kids were all tucked away in college classes and I couldn't reach the boy toy and like you, I have no family in this area. I managed a 102 fever induced drive to the doctors where I was diagnosed with strep throat and a ruptured ear drum on one side and an infection in the other ear. Heavy antibiotics and two days in bed have brought the fever within normal limits but the kids have banished me to my bedroom so they don't catch my germs and the boy is staying away as well. I might as well be single when I am contagious! Hope you feel better soon. Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:29:51 -0400 Randie Thomas comment 4661 at I'm glad you are okay! What I'm glad you are okay! What an ordeal! Being sick sucks! Get well soon... CM Sun, 16 Mar 2008 15:25:39 -0400 Guest comment 4660 at Sick And Single In The City <p>This is the worst I've felt in years.</p><p>This past Thursday, I was hit with the meanest case of the flu I've ever had in my adult life, complete with fever-induced chills and a chest-rattling cough. Even my abs hurt from all the convulsing brought on by this illness. Insult to injury, as was discussed in a previous post, my &quot;friends&quot; — save for one, were nowhere to be found. If any of these other &quot;friends&quot; had been ill, they would be begging for me to make some of my kick-ass chicken soup. And I would have, because that's what friends do.</p><p>But I've already discussed the need to divorce my friends, so I will move on.</p><p>Friday was the absolute worst of the whole ordeal. I awoke suddenly in the middle of the night unable to breathe. My air passage had all but closed, and the portion that was still open was blocked by all that fun stuff that comes with being congested. I was frightened, and rightfully so. Single, isolated and on a fifth floor walk-up: Does it really get any worse than that? If I couldn't have cleared my air passages that night, there is no guarantee that I would be telling this story today.</p><p>These are the things that keep a single person awake at night - they also manage to consume the greater part of one's days. I am sure my thought process will return to normal once I've recovered, but for now...</p> Mind and Spirit Health and Body Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:00:00 -0400 Akillah Wali 5880 at