firstwivesworld - Divorce Mediation: Successes and Failures - Comments Comments for "Divorce Mediation: Successes and Failures" en Divorce Mediation: Successes and Failures <p>Divorce Mediation can be an excellent (and inexpensive) alternative to attorneys.  But is it right for you?  Legal expert <a href="/resource/rachel-fishman-green/bio">Rachel Fishman Green</a> gives Debbie the low-down, detailing real-life stories of when mediation worked and when it went south.</p> <p>To return to our “Legal Revealed” main page, click <a href="/resource/legal-experts">here</a>.</p> divorce mediation All Things Legal Contemplating Divorce Navigating Divorce Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:38:40 -0400 Debbie Nigro 5777 at