firstwivesworld - Going Stag: The Recap - Comments Comments for "Going Stag: The Recap" en Going solo can be Going solo can be liberating- as you've discovered! Glad you went? I think so... CM Mon, 03 Mar 2008 20:32:29 -0500 Guest comment 4516 at Going Stag: The Recap <p>Ah, the spring formal — otherwise known to the best of cynics as &quot;the Prom&quot; — has come and gone. After a last-minute dash to find a new dress (I had the great misfortune of finding out that Sweeney Todd works at my friendly neighborhood dry cleaners and my dress was butchered), I am happy to report that I have survived the blessed event. </p><p>While this year's formal was less than noteworthy, I still managed to have a good time. Note to the readers: Bring the fun with you, and you will never have to worry about how lame an event is. It will merely serve as background chatter.</p><p>My decision to fly solo was indeed a good one, as I was able to come and go as I pleased, talk to whomever without feeling as if I was neglecting someone else, and just really kick back and enjoy myself. </p><p>A few friends were not as fortunate, for they succumbed to the pressures of bringing a date. During the course of the evening, when they were able to steal away, a couple of them mentioned feeling a bit burdened with their newfound responsibilities. </p><p>When you're the only person in the room your date knows, it tends to add an unnecessary amount of strain to an evening that is supposed to be enjoyable. </p><p>As I see it, going stag is really the only way to go.<br /><br /> </p> Sex and Love Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 03 Mar 2008 16:00:57 -0500 Akillah Wali 5715 at