firstwivesworld - Who Do You Admire? - Comments Comments for "Who Do You Admire?" en Sorry... I think you are reading this incorrectly. In the first paragraph, it states I "still" admire my parents meaning from when I was a child through adulthood. Sorry for the misunderstanding. My parents are wonderful people and I that respect has always been reflected in my writing. Vicky Mon, 12 May 2008 13:51:52 -0400 Guest comment 5440 at Whom do you admire? I was very sorry to read that you never admired your parents, as a child or as an adult. From all the postings you have written and your outlook and observations on life, I bet they had a great influence on your growth as a child and adult. Sat, 15 Mar 2008 08:36:11 -0400 Guest comment 4648 at My Parents are incredible. My Parents are incredible. They are still together and love and respect each other. CM Fri, 29 Feb 2008 19:21:10 -0500 Guest comment 4484 at Who Do You Admire? <p>When I was a kid, the people I looked up to are quite a bit different than those I look up to now. I still admire my parents and respect their relationship, which has produced a 40-year marriage. </p><p>Of course when I was a kid, I was enamored with <b>Michael Jackson</b> (he still looked like a human being then), my piano teacher, <b>Christa McAuliffe,</b> <b>Madonna</b> (who didn't?) and the ultimate teenage heartthrob, <b>Johnny Depp.</b> </p><p>My life is clearly much different now and I haven't used a Trapper Keeper in many years (decades?) to display my undying adoration for my idols. Today, I look up to people who follow their heart, who have a passion, who don't follow the status quo, and who aren't afraid to take a few risks to fulfill their dreams. </p><p>I admire women and men who have grit and tenacity, who work hard, who push themselves to realize a goal and still maintain a good sense of humor. When I was a kid, my role models were the people I saw on TV or heard on the radio. </p><p>There are still a few folks in the media that may match my current criteria, but overall, the folks I look up to are my peers and many of them I feel fortunate to call friends. </p><p>So, <b>FWW</b> readers, who do you look up to? <br /><br /> </p> Mind and Spirit Moving Beyond Divorce Fri, 29 Feb 2008 15:00:45 -0500 Vicky Emerson 5689 at