firstwivesworld - My Ex Is Invading My Dreams - Comments Comments for "My Ex Is Invading My Dreams" en same here I have dreams that I'm reaching out in bed to Stuart or that I'm putting my nose in his hair. It feels so good, yet so bizarre when I wake up. I think for me, it's the image I held onto for so long. (It was a far cry from what I actually got) Why now when I'm moving on? That's so confusing. Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:02:24 -0400 mistyr comment 5254 at Right! You're right, who does know? I would probably be able to just shrug it off, but as I said, this wasn't the first dream...I'm having TONS of them. I do see a therapist, today in fact, and you can be certain that we'll be discussing this! Thanks, Faith Thu, 28 Feb 2008 08:39:46 -0500 Faith Eggers comment 4470 at ah the sub-conscious! Who ah the sub-conscious! Who knows what is going on in the deep recesses of our minds... but try not to read too much into this. If you feel strongly about it, maybe you should see a pro about it. They may be able to give you some real insight. Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:32:48 -0500 Guest comment 4464 at My Ex Is Invading My Dreams <p>Since things with my boyfriend took a turn toward serious, thoughts of my ex, Levi, have been invading my brain again. During the day, I can, and do, push them away. </p><p>When I'm sleeping, however, it's a whole different story. I keep having all of these weird dreams about him, and I don't know how to make them stop.</p><p>For instance, last night I had a dream that I was in a ramshackle cabin with my boyfriend, Aaron. The place was filthy, I mean really, really gross; there were rats all over the place, food everywhere, etc. Aaron and I are lying in bed, and he announces that he is going to go to the kitchen to make tea. </p><p>Aaron leaves the room and moments later, Levi walks in and climbs in bed with me. Levi looked like himself, but something about him felt off — he felt hollow, if that makes any sense. </p><p>Anyway, he gets in bed with me, and I'm happy that he's there and we kiss. Then, Aaron walks in and is obviously upset, Levi asks him to leave, and he does. </p><p>As soon as Aaron leaves, Levi gets out of bed and looks at me with a very satisfied look and tells me he'll be right back. He never comes back, and I am left there in this dark, dirty, disgusting cabin, all alone feeling hollow and empty.</p><p>I woke up with the same feeling. </p><p>What does this mean? What is going on here? I thought I was over this, and now suddenly I feel like I miss Levi?! </p><p>I felt like this is what I wanted with Aaron — I felt like I wanted a real relationship again. Now I'm not so sure. Suddenly I feel suffocated, like I can't breathe. I feel like I never get a moment to myself, I feel like I need to be alone for quite some time.</p><p>And I feel really sad, too, because Aaron is truly a great guy, and I wish with all my heart that I was ready for him.<br /> </p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:00:23 -0500 Faith Eggers 5649 at