firstwivesworld - At Least You Know What You Don&#039;t Want - Comments Comments for "At Least You Know What You Don't Want" en thank you for the wishes! vicky Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:33:52 -0500 Guest comment 4472 at well done- and good luck well done- and good luck with the second time around. I hope you have a much better time of it all! CM Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:35:04 -0500 Guest comment 4466 at At Least You Know What You Don't Want <p>Occasionally, looking at a situation with a different perspective can be extremely refreshing. </p><p>When I went through my divorce, I was really hung up on &quot;How did I get here?&quot; I thought I was a pretty intelligent young woman and could read people relatively well, too. I was very hard on myself because I felt like a complete failure at love. </p><p>Funny, how time mends your heart and hurt feelings drift farther and farther away. Then someday a friend will say to you, &quot;Well, look at the bright side, at least now you know what you <i>don't</i> want.&quot; Good point, right? </p><p>Truly, now that you have gone through the painful process of divorce, you can evaluate other men in a way you didn't before. You can possibly avoid the characteristics that your ex possessed that you didn't care for and choose a more suitable match. It may take time, and I can't say that dating is always fun. </p><p>Look at it like a buffet: You can always go back and try something else, and if it all goes to hell, you can still have as many desserts as you want. </p><p>As I prepare to enter my second marriage, I see that my current choice is much better. I have found someone whom I truly love, but whom I am also compatible with. We're very close friends and respect each other. I had none of this with my ex. <br /><br /> </p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 27 Feb 2008 11:00:03 -0500 Vicky Emerson 5644 at