firstwivesworld - Ending My Fling - Comments Comments for "Ending My Fling" en Ha ha ha <p> rebounds here!</p> Wed, 05 Sep 2007 13:02:14 -0400 Faith Eggers comment 2168 at you did the right thing. It <p>you did the right thing. It was hard, but necessary. No rebounding, please...</p> <p>CM</p> Tue, 04 Sep 2007 08:06:53 -0400 Guest comment 2149 at Ending My Fling <p>I made a tough decision a few days ago. I called Jeff and told him that I wanted — needed — to end our relationship. As I’ve written in my previous posts, Jeff was supposed to be a one-time fling, but it quickly turned into something else.</p><p>I told him that although I do really like him and we were having lots of fun together, it was just too much too soon for me and that I couldn't afford to “<a href="/[[]]">fall flat on my face again</a>.” What started at a casual fling suddenly turned into him <a href="/[[]]">calling me</a> multiple times a day and e-mailing me from work. We were we were having dinner together practically every night. He even introduced me to his parents!</p><p>I tried to convince myself that I could do this -- have a relationship so soon after Levi — and that I was only freaking out because I was scared that Jeff is a great guy and that I should give him a chance. But the fear of committing to someone again — of “falling flat on my face” again — won out in the end.</p><p>I feel badly because I hurt him. He was very upset and tried to convince me that he wouldn't hurt me. He kept telling me how much he likes me. He kept asking me what he could do to convince me to give it a chance. He reminded me that he is not Levi, and that I shouldn't expect other men to “pay Levi’s tab for him.”</p><p>Before I even knew what I was saying, I said the same tired line that's been used by millions. I said, “Jeff, it’s not you, it’s me.” I used to think that line was just a cop out, but in this instance its certainly true. </p> dating moving beyond divorce Sex and Love Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 03 Sep 2007 17:50:00 -0400 Faith Eggers 562 at