firstwivesworld - Preparing My Parents For My New Life - Comments Comments for "Preparing My Parents For My New Life" en New York takes getting used to... When I got divorced I also moved to New York and lived in a studio. It was tiny! But much better to live in a cozy peaceful apt than in a large house with a person you don't get along with. Mon, 17 Mar 2008 15:45:31 -0400 Guest comment 4677 at Preparing My Parents For My New Life So my parents are flying out from the West Coast to visit me in Manhattan. <p>It's not the first time I have seen them since my divorce last March, but it's the first time that they have made the trip to the East Coast to visit. It will also be the first time they will see my apartment. </p><p>Last time they traveled over, I was living in a house, so they had their own bedroom and own bathroom. Going from that to a small one-bedroom apartment with one small bathroom should be interesting. </p><p>It will be nice to spend a few days with my parents and just wander around the city. Each time I see them we talk less and less about the divorce and the debacles of the past year, which is nice. Soon the divorce will be a distant memory.</p> Mind and Spirit Kids and Family Leisure and Fun House and Home Moving Beyond Divorce Sun, 24 Feb 2008 13:00:00 -0500 A.J. Wylder 5582 at