firstwivesworld - The Benefits of Sleeping Alone - Comments Comments for "The Benefits of Sleeping Alone" en The Benefits of Sleeping Alone <p>As nice as it is — or was — to cuddle and sleep next to a significant other, I am getting pretty darn used to sleeping alone. </p><p>It has been well over a year that I have had my bed all to myself and the thought of sharing it sometimes makes me cringe. </p><p>When you sleep alone you don't have to deal with snoring. You are not awakened by someone pulling on the blankets. You don't find yourself being smothered by a well-intended arm wrapped around you. You don't have to be subjected to someone's too-long toenails brushing up against you in the night. </p><p>Yes, there is something to be said about sleeping alone. <br /><br /> </p> Mind and Spirit Health and Body Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 21 Feb 2008 16:00:37 -0500 A.J. Wylder 5566 at