firstwivesworld - When One Door Closes... - Comments Comments for "When One Door Closes..." en When One Door Closes... <p>We've all heard the expression, When one door closes, another one opens. I think that through the divorce process, we make an attempt to close the door on certain situations, and no matter how tightly we thinked we shut it, it unexpectedly bursts open again. This same philosophy can be applied to our emotions, too. We can close them to some extent, however, when we're put in a specific situation, that door is reopened and the emotions pour over us. </p> <p>I'm ready to close the door on the past nine years. I'm ready to engage in new experiences and move past all that has happened to me. I want to focus on the positive, and see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not think back to the door that underneath can show an inkling of light. </p> <p>I know that this isn't the total truth for me in many aspects, however, as I've seen my ex change his behavior toward me, and spew the most horrible things ever said about me, I realize the only way to make myself better is to make the attempt to close the door as much as possible for the sake of my emotions. </p> <p>I read Debbie Ford's <i>Spiritual Divorce,</i> and this has helped me to identify the good and bad from my relationship and take them with me into what I hope will be a better life. I want to say, &quot;new&quot; but that isn't totally the truth, since I'm not new, I'm just more resolved. </p> Mind and Spirit Navigating Divorce Wed, 20 Feb 2008 14:01:03 -0500 Taylor Raine 5542 at