firstwivesworld - Do Men &lt;i&gt;Need&lt;/i&gt; Sex? - Comments Comments for "Do Men <i>Need</i> Sex?" en The Man's Perspective Thank you for explaining it to me like that. I can stop blushing now. Fri, 22 Feb 2008 21:10:02 -0500 Megan Thomas comment 4420 at one man's opinion For me, a married 43 year old man, sex is something i desire on an ALMOST nightly basis. having said that, i am successful about 2 or 3 times a week-which is enough. Men have much higher levels of testoserone in there system and that is the stuff that drives sexual urges. it is also why men are so visually stimulated. women have much less testosterone to begin with and if you are on the pill or patch you are decreasing your testosterone even further.. also i feel most women don't "feel" in the mood because often times nothing is "in it for you. meaning us guys finish ourselves off (too quickly for you to be satisfied) and then we fall asleep... yes, it does totally wipe us out of energy. Most of the times i " handle myself" its to help relieve the stress of the day and helps me fall asleep... men do this to not bother their spouse all the time and we don't even have a "sexual" need ... just a need for a sleeping aid- as odd as that sounds.. and if your husband is taking care of himself in the shower- don't be alarmed... it means he's not straying from you for an alternative... qnd that's a good thing.. as far as physical pain is concerned your husband may be telling the truth.. here is how the pain sets in; when a man works himself up (in his mind) for sex, his body produces xtra seminal fluid-which fills up his testicles.. if that build up does not release.. SEVERE pain in the testicles occurs.. and a release is the only way to relive the pain.. i am not kidding here.. this pain i am taking about can make a man double over in agony -you may have heard of the term "blue balls" (excuse the rough language).. your husband may be working himself up in a frenzy when he is around you in anticipation of a intimate encounter with you- cangratulations, your husband is still very much into YOU. I kid you not. i hope this clears up some of your questions... Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:14:22 -0500 Guest comment 4408 at Megan, I know a lot of men Megan, I know a lot of men who are surviving just fine without sex on a regular basis and I know a lot who enjoy sex quite frequently. I have never heard that going without causes physical pain however. Pent-up frustration yes, actual pain, no. Isn't there also something to be said about a man pleasing a woman??? Sounds like you are not getting what you need in the bedroom...I wonder what your husband would say if he walked in on you using a vibrator in bed one night because your needs weren't being satisfied? Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:47:58 -0500 Randie Thomas comment 4406 at Do Men <i>Need</i> Sex? <p>I have a question that I can't ask anyone face-to-face without blushing, so I'll present it here. My husband has always given me the impression that sex is an utter physiological need for all men. </p><p>Without regular sex, men have physical pain that is tough to endure. According to what he has told me, men can't control the urge to want to have sex and if they don't get the sex they need they need to masturbate in order to relieve the pressure brought on by lack of sex. One time shortly after my baby was born I accidently walked in on my husband as he was &quot;getting busy&quot; by himself in the shower, and his immediate response was, &quot;I gotta get it somewhere!&quot;</p><p>For the record, I'm blushing while I'm typing this.</p><p>Because of this apparent physical need, I have always had sex with my husband whenever he expressed a desire to get intimate. During those times when I didn't feel like having sex I still did, because I didn't want to be the person standing between my husband and physical comfort. He needed it and I could give it to him, so it seemed like a logical solution. Nevermind that there have been times when I felt like I was absolutely betraying myself for getting intimate with least I was still performing my wifely duty.</p><p>What I have been wondering about lately is this: Have I been duped? Is sex truly an absolute physical need for men? I think about the celibate men in the world, and I wonder if they spend their days in sheer agony from pent-up sexual frustration. </p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sex and Love Contemplating Divorce Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:36:03 -0500 Megan Thomas 5540 at