firstwivesworld - Q &amp; A on Online Dating - Comments Comments for "Q & A on Online Dating" en Online Dating As skeptical as I was.... I met a so called WONDERFUL man online. Being married for 26 years the dating world has changed immensely. This man was very very handsome, polite, well spoken, presented this wonderful picture that I could not imagine his previous wife ever letting him go! Now five months later as the relationship began to progress... he literally dropped me over night. As I try to understand why...what I did that was wrong, I find this man that I thought I knew was not who he presented himself to be at all. Rather represented himself in such a light that would be appealing to many women! I love the advice in this article stating "If you sense avoidance, trust your instinct that there's a reason" While I'm broken hearted I'm also upset with myself for falling for him and not seeing the warning signs... and they're there however again... REMOVE the rose colored GLASSES. This too is where we tend to be the "good girl" and "good polite girls" don't simply ask too many questions! It's taking time but I'm learning!!!!! Thu, 26 Jun 2008 14:19:15 -0400 Whatsnext comment 5724 at Q & A on Online Dating <p>Here are questions I've answered from <b></b> bloggers about online dating and creating successful profiles:</p><p> From<b> Naomi Dunne</b>: I'm a freelance writer, and I've been asked more than once to write a profile for someone using an online dating site. Assuming all of the information is true and that I'm not outright lying on their behalf, do you think there's anything wrong with doing that? </p> <p><i>This is part of what I'm in business to do, so you can probably intuit my answer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ghostwriting a profile, with the caveats you state. I would add that you should take care to write profiles that are representative in voice. If your personal style is quick and witty, and your client is serious and shy, make the most of her good qualities in a characteristically representative way (otherwise her dates will be expecting sophisticated banter, which will only set her up for disappointment). I started writing online profiles in large part because so few people can sell themselves effectively on paper (or online). There is nothing duplicitous in calling in (or being) a consultant. Otherwise, marketing as we know it would be banned in at least 30 states! </i></p><p><a href="">read more</a></p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 26 Feb 2008 07:49:06 -0500 Erika Moore 5534 at