firstwivesworld - The Online Divorce - Comments Comments for "The Online Divorce" en idiotic lawyers I couldnt have done a worse job than my idiot lawyer. Besides charging me much more than he said he would, sending me someone elses papers, sending MY papers to my soon to be ex, not informing me until ONE HOUR before the mediation my soon to be ex had enormous debt he had hidden from me, (oh yes, by the cant get anything out of your house since its a community property state and you might be responsible for some of his debt)....not being informed of when I was supposed to appear in court unless I utter disaster. If you sense, early on, that the lawyer is a complete moron, get another. I did and just kept on going. I paid for it. I have forgiven my ex and the lawyer. Carrying a load of hate is no good. Wed, 06 Aug 2008 23:32:42 -0400 Guest comment 5826 at It sounds good to me- quick It sounds good to me- quick is the key in unpleasant situations. CM Tue, 19 Feb 2008 16:21:58 -0500 Guest comment 4369 at The Online Divorce <p>I found a really interesting site on <a href="">online divorce</a>.</p><p> I found that you can simply fill in your information, obtain the appropriate forms for your specific state and you can then file with the court. </p><p>I wish I had known about this when I was going through my divorce paying huge fees to have these same forms done by an attorney. Several different sites offer this service. </p><p>If you're interested in something like this, you can do a search and find the one that interests you. The sites I found cost around $200 for the documents, which is far less than an attorney would charge these same forms to be filed. I wouldn't suggest this method if there is a custody or visitation issue involved, nor for the divorce with a large amount of assets involved. </p><p>However, in cases where the divorce isn't contested and each party agrees, online divorce could be a huge money-saver. In uncontested divorces, some cases are as simple as just filing and signing. Mine wasn't that simple, but I still feel we could have come to some resolution on our own and could have kept that money in our pocket, instead of the attorneys'. </p><p>I'm now curious to find a site that may allow me to file an amendment to my current decree. Or, to find a site that would allow for a custody change or other things that many of us in the post-divorce stage face.  </p> All Things Legal Moving Beyond Divorce Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:21:55 -0500 Rhonda Harris 5517 at