firstwivesworld - Love Was In The Air - Comments Comments for "Love Was In The Air" en What a doof <p>He just had to take it one step too far! What a fool. And funny...</p> Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:49:20 -0400 Guest comment 2096 at Love Was In The Air The other day I was on a plane returning to Manhattan from a business trip in Florida and I felt a light tap on my right shoulder. <p>I turned around and found myself face-to-face with a guy who was sitting one row back on the opposite side of the plane. He was, I guessed, in his early 40s, and his friend sitting next to him looked at least 15 years younger. Both were average looking and neither were really my type. </p><p>The older guy, we'll say his name was &quot;Tom,&quot; asked me if I swam or was a gymnast when I was younger. Baffled as to what he was getting at, I replied &quot;No.&quot; He said he was just wondering because he was noticing that I had pretty defined upper back muscles (I was wearing a tank top) like a swimmer or gymnast would have. I told him I lift weights. </p><p>Well, that opened the door to a conversation so he started asking me a few questions like what did I do for a living? Did I live in Manhattan or Florida? Where am I originally from? I came to find out that he and his friend were in town from Florida for the weekend. He then asked me if I wanted to meet up with them the following night and go out for a drink or something. I politely said &quot;Thanks, but no thanks&quot; and began gathering my carry-on luggage to deplane. </p><p>As I grabbed my carry-on from the overhead bin, he said, &quot;Between your eyes and muscles you are hot!&quot; </p><p>Okay. Did anyone else hear the record screech to a halt because I sure did! Yes, I have sometimes fantasized about meeting a mysterious stranger on a plane or in the airport and experiencing some sort of love connection, but that comment wasn't exactly what I had in mind. <br /> </p><p>I guess it was nice to hear the compliment, but come on! They were going to see a Yankees game the following day, which I guess was fitting because all I heard in my head was, &quot;You're out!&quot;</p> dating moving beyond divorce single again Health and Body Career and Pursuits Moving Beyond Divorce Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:05:01 -0400 A.J. Wylder 550 at