firstwivesworld - 10 Things Divorced Women Can Love About Valentine&#039;s Day - Comments Comments for "10 Things Divorced Women Can Love About Valentine's Day" en words to live by every day! words to live by every day! CM Thu, 14 Feb 2008 17:42:03 -0500 Guest comment 4304 at 10 Things Divorced Women Can Love About Valentine's Day <p>Think Valentine's Day is going to be a big drag? Think again. There are a few advantages...! </p><p><b>#1</b> You won't have to hide behind a planter at the hotel check in.</p><p><b>#2</b> You don't have to shave anything.</p><p><b>#3</b> It won't matter whether or not your cell phone has reception.</p><p><b>#4</b> All the chocolate is yours. </p><p><b>#5</b> You don't have to kill yourself looking for a bud vase.</p><p><b>#6</b> Nobody has time for a manicure/pedicure during the middle of the week anyway.</p><p><b>#7</b> You can buy your own flowers in the morning and get it over with.</p><p><b>#8</b> You can spare yourself a brain tumor trying to find a babysitter.</p><p><b>#9</b> You can call up all your old boyfriends &quot;legally&quot;.</p><p><b>#10</b> No one is going to ask you to model a G-String.</p><p>Love,</p><p>Debbie Nigro, <b>First Wives World's</b> Chief Executive Girlfriend </p> Mind and Spirit Sex and Love Leisure and Fun Moving Beyond Divorce Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:30:06 -0500 Debbie Nigro 5379 at