firstwivesworld - I&#039;m Finally Getting Some Child Support - Comments Comments for "I'm Finally Getting Some Child Support" en Absolutely, I have Absolutely, I have supportted my daughter for the last 2 years by myself and hav eno problem continuing to do so. I just find it very insuting to my daughter that he is some how offended by having to help support her. I will never understand the male mind. Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:20:28 -0500 Rhonda Harris comment 4312 at You Can't Depend on Anyone but Yourself When I left, I knew one thing: You can only depend on you. Yes, the fathers of my children should help with the cost of raising children. Yes, that support is my right. But I am the one that is walking. This is my choice, and the consequences of that action rest on me alone. If I don't have child support because someone decides not to pay, I can get angry and bitter or I can deal. Angry and bitter gets me... well, nowhere but angry and bitter. Toss in arguments and fights, too. Not fun. So should I ever find myself facing a father who won't pay, I am going to deal and depend on me. Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:56:24 -0500 JulieSavard comment 4286 at Maybe now the father will Maybe now the father will step up and pay up. Good luck. CM Tue, 12 Feb 2008 17:23:17 -0500 Guest comment 4279 at I'm Finally Getting Some Child Support <p>My ex finally received his letter stating the amount of child support he is to pay for our daughter. I have my son from this union every weekend. He has not seen his daughter in a month. He also hasn't taken the time to call her or have any contact except for the few minutes it takes when we pick up her brother. Yet, he found time in his hectic schedule to call as soon as he received this letter in the mail. </p> <p>This call was an attack — yet again — on me, trying to get me to respond in some way. I am happy to report that I did not take the bait. I simply told him to call them and try to resolve this matter, which I am sure is not a mistake. He earns four times what I do in a month. I hardly think the court will allow this to situation to continue with no additional support for my daughter. Nevertheless, he is free to call and check it out for himself.</p> <p> I find it amazing the response many men have over child support. If circumstances were reversed, I would be more than willing to help provide for my child. I visit my son regularly and do not intend to stop that pattern. I would not change visiting my son for any amount of money in the world. Certain things just do not have a price in my opinion. I wish he were half as concerned about his daughter as he is his checkbook. Now that would make for a wonderful father-daughter relationship.</p> Kids and Family Money and Finance Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 11 Feb 2008 17:00:00 -0500 Rhonda Harris 5348 at