firstwivesworld - The Other Side Of The Flower Counter - Comments Comments for "The Other Side Of The Flower Counter" en Here Here! Great idea! Wed, 13 Feb 2008 07:53:29 -0500 Guest comment 4284 at As a woman who loves As a woman who loves flowers, I do find it ridiculous that only one day a year is reserved for professing your love for someone. How about we abolish the silly day and remember to appreciate each other every day of the year? Save the money you'd buy on stupid heart pillows and give to charity, or something? CM Tue, 12 Feb 2008 17:25:17 -0500 Guest comment 4280 at The Other Side Of The Flower Counter <p>When I was in college, one of my jobs was working at a flower shop. I was the delivery girl. It wasn't a bad gig because when you show up at a person's house with flowers, generally they are happy to see you. </p> <p>In the flower business, Valentine's Day provides shops with a large portion of their revenue for the entire year. The shop I worked at was the only flower place in town, so the traffic through there on Valentine's Day was absolutely crazy!</p> <p>I'm not really a big fan of Valentine's Day and I think it dawned on me when I was working at the shop that it seemed like a holiday for retailers to make money more than anything. </p> <p>What I found amusing was the line of men out the door, each wearing the &quot;what the hell do I buy here&quot; look. They wander through the store filling their arms with outrageously priced bouquets of flowers, obnoxious little red heart shaped pillows and anything that could be used to profess their love without them actually having to say it. </p> <p>I have been on the receiving end through the years of some of those little red heart shaped pillows that have eventually made their way to the dumpster. I guess maybe I'm more about language and would rather hear someone tell me how they feel.</p> Sex and Love Moving Beyond Divorce Mon, 11 Feb 2008 16:00:00 -0500 Vicky Emerson 5347 at